I’ve read it through a couple of times, but cannot find where anything departs from SOTA rules, or makes it look anything different from a normal weekend of SOTA. Then again, I’m pretty ill at the minute so may have missed it. What specifically concerns you Colin?
The fact that there is no defined rule as to place of operation, the activity could be from any mountain top. Therefore whilst one could operate in the event and adhere to SOTA rules, it’s not a requirement for the event.
I just think it’s helpful for the SOTA community to know about this event, I think it’s a possible source of great confusion!
Yep, a subtlety or a fundamental point. Either way, I missed it as I admitted I was capable of doing in my current predicament! See what happens. I’m not too worried. Maybe there will be the odd person that contacts us with the “Why can’t I spot/alert this little hill behind my house?” query, and maybe a few new people getting involved in SOTA.
On the same day, 19th September, I see there is an OE SOTA activity day which looks interesting.
Actually early info was passed to the MT. There were no objections and it’s a nice fun event which will will help promote SOTA indirectly. Some people will read the SOTA rules and know how it all works and some will not. Whether it was official or not, that same condition would occur.
There may be an increase in mails to the MT from people who can’t alert/spot/log non-SOTA summits. I’m not overly concerned about that because no matter what happens people will have fun on the air and some will discover SOTA and start participating.
Permission to link to us is not required Karl! If permission should be sought before hyperlinking to anything, then my website is one big ball of ciminality ha ha!
I don’t see this as being any major problem. As Colin identified, it does leave the door open for someone to think that “any old hill” is valid for participation in SOTA, but I don’t expect many to make that mistake, or do no personal research whatsoever.
In fact the links could be a good thing, as through them you can quickly get the list of qualifying summits in any area.
Mind you try entering details of a non sota summit on the data base and it will spit it out. Hmm am on top of a hill here will have to take battery into garden set up antenna as portable LOL.
It’s time to tell the WHOLE truth about this event: the SOTA Management Team (MT) was invited 3 TIMES by EURAO to make an event together. I can say that because I was the person in charge, that make the invitations on behalf of EURAO - all of these were sent to Andy MM0FMF, as he was the single MT person known by me personally.
BUT, because the lack of response to all my 3 messages - I only receive one e-mail from Andy, wondering what happens with the EURAO proposal forwarded to the SOTA MT - EURAO decided that will make a separate Party, trying to avoid with all costs the references to the SOTA terms because of the “trade marks” claimed on all SOTA websites.
The initial rules were designed taking count of every SOTA requirement and with links to the SOTA websites for clarifying all the situations. I’ve worked a lot of hours making these rules, useless…
In the absence of ANY communications from the SOTA MT it was NOT possible to do a smart thing: a SOTA weekend, organised TOGETHER. Maybe next time the SOTA MT will reconsider his position and trying AT LEAST to not ignore an european ham radio organisation wanted to do good things TOGETHER.
All this message represents my own position and NOT involving the EURAO in any way.