Escape from Roma to Monte Cervia I/LZ-038

This is the story of a small escape from the city. It all starts with the discovery that I had to take a day off from work for a series of very bureaucratic things. And so I decide to go to the mountains and do an activation alone without my usual Sota partner Luca Iz0fyl.

I chose a fairly simple mountain an hour’s drive from Rome, Mount Cervia I/LZ-038 with a height of 1438 meters.

The top can be reached with a beautiful one-hour walk from the village of Collegiove through woods with splendid autumn colors. The top is fairly clear of trees and I could easily mount my longwire antenna supported by a fishing rod.

In an hour of activity I made my record of Sota connections, 67 QSOs and 8 Summit to Summit with @IK2LEY @OE5FSM @DL6FBK @SQ9JTR @SP9JKL using 15/20/30/40 meters both in cw and ssb. Before turning on the radio, I realized that Monte Cervia is also a Pota reference and therefore I reported the activation on the portal. The result was one of the most intense 20m pileups I’ve ever experienced in a summit activation.

Overall a beautiful day, at 14:00 I was already back to Rome but happy to have made the perfect escape with a great and fun radio activity.


Nice to contact you on 30m!

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Thanks for S2S. Your summit was much better than mine!


never easy when you find tree all around the summit :slight_smile:

73 And IW0HK