I am trying to log into mapping to upload tracks and am getting a message “unable to load user profile” ?
Try logging in now
…and now? I just logged you out of all sessions and was able to verify your account should be working.
Sri had to step out, tried still same message.
Ok just refreshed a couple of times and has come up clean login. Thankyou
Nope just went to tracks and message came up again. sorry
Page does maybe 10 refreshes by itself then fails to message.
Its only the tracks page seems to do this.
Third party cookies disabled?
Nope, cookies allowed.
When the message comes up on initial login, I check the box that says “don’t let this page show more messages” it will refresh for a period until it seems to grab the profile and is Ok. then I input my track and it will start refreshing again. It did accept one track, but has failed all other attempts.
This was happening in Microsoft Edge. I switched to Firefox. At first did the same thing. Firefox asked if I wanted to do refresh to cure…did refresh…works in Firefox…scratching my head. Working though.
There’s your problem.