Depending on WX, our local radio club A18 Furtwangen plans to activate serveral mountains in the Black Forest (DM/BW region) at the same time on Saturday, July 13th. The activity is supported by HAMs of the local radio clubs A05, A14, A28, A34 and P24.
From 08:30 UTC, our teams will initially operate on 2m/FM. After that some teams will also be qrv on KW (mainly 7-SSB and 14-SSB).
Spots are submitted to Sota
Our mountains are DM/BW-001, DM/BW-002, DM/BW-003, DM/BW-009, DM/BW-014, DM/BW-015, DM/BW-067, DM/BW-115, DM/BW-233, DM/BW-284 and DM/BW-531.
It was a lot of fun. The weather was fine and there were five of us at Hünersedel DM/BW-531: Stephan @DC8LZ, Marko @DK7MA, Victor @DD1VW, Kai @DM1KAI and myself.
Unfortunately a connection to Achalm DM/BW-099 Roman @DL3TU did not work out. Thanks anyway for trying Roman. In between, some of us operated on shortwave. In addition to the many well-known chasers, radio friends from SOTA-BW also came to the log.
After the action, some of us gathered at the club station DL0FIS. The barbecue was fired up and the day ended with some beer Thanks again to Clemens @DD2TC and the A18 team for organizing this activity.
Thanks for organizing the activity, Clemens @DD2TC! It was great fun again
I went to my local summit DM/BW-099 on short notice, just to say hello to the friends in the Black Forest. It was interesting to chase the teams on their different summits. Most signals on 2 metres were surprisingly strong!
Despite the effort on both ends, it wasn’t possible to reach Marcel @DM3FAM and his team on DM/BW-531. Sorry about that, guys and thanks for trying hard!
Radios here were a Yaesu FT-3D @ 5 W and an ancient Belcom LS-202E @ ~ 2 W.
Antennas were a HB9CV on a 4m pole and a MFJ-1714 telescopic whip which I managed to ruin during the activation.
The signal path to most of the activated summits runs along the edge of the Swabian Jura. The map below illustrates this using the example of Belchen (DM/BW-003) at a distance of 130 km.