Jim Hall EI9GLB of Gorey Co. Wexford who was a very active SOTA Chaser here in EI (often being the difference in my qualifying a summit on vhf or not) and an active contributor to the SOTA Ireland Facebook page I am sad to report passed away today after an illness. Jim was a DXer for many years and I’m sure will be in the log of many on this reflector.
May he rest in peace



Sorry to hear that Jim EI9GLB is now silent key. My condolences to his family.

Jimmy M0HGY

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Really bad news. Thanks Jim for having shared your time with us. Rest in pace.

73 Roberto iw2obx

So so Sad. So many contacts with Jim in my Sota log over the years and so many across the Irish sea into Wales on 2m as well.

Condolences to his family. RIP Jim.

Another one leaves us. Condolences to friends and family. RIP Jim.

So sorry to hear of Jim’s passing. He called me many times on 2m, the last time being in March 2022 to Foel Goch NW-039. We exchanged 41 / 42. He had the ability to pull my small signal out of the noise even if it took several attempts riding the QSB. Very satisfying, and always good to hear his voice.
RIP Jim, 73.

This as such sad news. I spoke with Jim many many times, most recently in October 22, particularly on 2m FM in GW/NW.
Condolences to his family and friends.

Sorry to hear this, my one and only overseas contact on VHF from GW/NW-058 on my first ever activation.

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Thanks Declan for posting. Worked Jim a few times when in EI on holidays.

Sad news indeed.


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That is sad news. I only had one QSO with Jim but it was special as it was my first international QSO from Yr Wyddfa GW/NW-001 on 2m on only my third activation (and first points scorer) when I was very new to SOTA.

Richard G4TGJ

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(from M6BWA) Very sad to see this news as we have had many contacts over the years. I had noticed he had been quiet for some time but think I had a brief chat with him at the beginning of this year, He was an avid chaser and must have had a good mast to pick up my 5w calls so often. I shall miss him. Viki M6BWA