EG7GURU/P EA7GR-013. Guru EA2IF Memorial

Hello my friends.
To start this memorial to Guru I chose my favorite summit, Trevenque 2077m. Long approach (6km) and finally a strong climb, from 1,370m to 2,077m. Watch this video.
My Sherpa Cecilio (my son-in-law) accompanied me and we enjoyed a sunny but windy and cold day. My icy fingers transmitted very bad cw, apologies.
Some pictures:

The path

setting antenna

The shack

73 José


Nice activation and pictures!

Hi Jose,
Many thanks for QSO and nice report :exclamation:
73, Jarek

Impressive climb! Thanks for the effort Jose
73 and hear you soon again.

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Thanks for the activation and QSO José
Nice pictures !

73 & GL

Hi Jose,

Many thanks for your kind chasing me today on OK/MO-036.

Sorry for my poor CW but I was just fighting with my paddle malfunction :unamused:

73, Jarek