Since my first Sota activation in 2013, I have only used a 20m long efhw. I almost throw the wire into a tree using a 20m long plastic cord. In the meantime I was able to improve my throwing technique.
The inv vee with a height of 12m and an acute angle creates a very flat beam angle at 30m and 20m . The gain is mostly near 0dbi in all directions. On 60 und 40m of course the wanted steep radiation.
73 Chris
Hi Chris,
So this is a 40m band EFHW that also works on 20 & 30m? Interesting radiation patterns on 20 & 30m - as you say, a low take-off angle, for DX contacts.
As well as the 49:1 UNUN do you also use an ATU?
(I’d be interested to see how this works on 17,15,12 & 10m - I suspect those two WARC bands might not work too well as they are not related to the other bands).
Hi Ed!
Yes, for the bands 60m, 30m, 17m and 12m I use the ATU from the KX2. But imho without noticeable disadvantages compared to real half-wave antennas.
Apart from the radiation pattern from 17m and higher. That’s why I’m planning to use a second vertical EFHW with a length of 7.5m, which will then cover the upper bands.
For the last two activations, I set up two EFHW and switched them over using a antenna switch.
The vertical for 17, 15, 12 and 10m was better by 1 to 2 S steps on this bands.
For WARC bands you can cut the wire at the half wave points, 7.85m for 18.080 and 14m for 10.120, for example.
I made it for two times, one with cocodriles and another with fastons, here is the pic, same for 30m. Then you got in the same antena: 10, 15, 17, 20, 30 and 40, for example.
If one is going to the trouble of multiple links, you might as well make a linked dipole. For me the benefit of an EFHW is its simplicity of use and I accept its performance is not quite as a good as a [linked] dipole. I have both and choose which one based on summit and/or events.
My LNR Precision EFHW has a removable SMA plug link to shorten the length for 30m or lengthen it [to 19.8m] for 40m and 20m. Fortunately, the excellent internal ATU in my KX2 makes the EFHW usable on 17m - 10m.
An EFHW is still much more convenient. There are half as many links to change and for some bands you don’t need to change a link at all. For example the 40m wire also works on 20m.