Editing Topic Subjects is Allowed.

Oh good, so I can go round fixing everyone’s split infinitives
[Just kidding]


Shame we can’t edit posts. It’s “I’d have gone wild”.

I can see this being the end of our beautiful but short friendship. :joy:


And get the blame for inaccuraciys, pore speling, bad gramer ie, "It was OK when I pressed, “reply”. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Hahaaa, it’s ‘of’ when you live in Wales :rofl:


There are a number of trust levels for users of the reflector. As said, if you are active enough (posting, reading and liking etc. ) then the more your trust level rises. We have 4 levels for users 0 to 3 with levels higher than that being reserved for moderators and admins.

Most people start at level 1 where they can post, reply and create topics. As they participate they will get promoted up to level 3 which gives them some basic editing of others’ posts along with many other features. Trust level 0 requires that all your posts to existing threads are moderated. You can make the post but it needs approval before it appears for everyone else. This is reserved for people who are being a bit awkward and refusing to follow the AUP. Setting them to level 0 still allows them to take part but we (the moderators) get to ensure their comments are within the AUP before they appear rather than having to delete/hide/edit posts later. People are released from level 0 when they have been following the AUP for enough posts.

There are further sanctions such as suspension and removal but they are used very, very infrequently.


Whilst on the subject of quotes, how about “with great power comes great responsibility”. Apologies to Spiderman but the quote is over 2,000 years old! When it comes to using the powers given by Discourse, I stand by “when in doubt, don’t”.


I remember that I have had the feature to edit titles of posts in the past. I cannot find it now. Does this mean I have lost a trust level?

73 Heinz


You have been bad… LOL
I, too at one time had that feature, not any longer.


You have probably not been active enough in the last 100 days. It’s saying you need to reply to one more topic and get two more likes to get back up to level 3.

Ah well, this makes a nice change from discussing rule changes. :grinning:


Doesn’t that encourage replying to any old post - oh dear, what am I doing?
[I must have super powers by now]

There’s about 15 things which are measured over a rolling 100 day period. You have to do enough of all of them to qualify. The topics do measure engagement with the community. Which is not to say someone on level 2 is not engaged, just not as engaged as someone on level 3.

For the record, the values are at their defaults.

Can we nominate people for level 0? :joy:

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Are you volunteering? :yum:

In private, yes. :slight_smile:

The figures require careful reading:

Level 0: 11237  diff to level 1: 8
Level 1: 11229  diff to level 2: 2576
Level 2:  8653  diff to level 3: 8575
Level 3:    78  diff to level 4: 60
Level 4:    18    <<<<<<<<<< moderator/admins
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78 and 60 what? for example.

The figures per level are cumulative. So if you are at level 3 you are included in the level 2, level 1 and level 0 figures.

Subtracting them shows how many at each level. 60 at level 3 and 8 at level 0 in our case.

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I should have seen that. :man_facepalming:

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