Eastern Scotland SOTA this weekend

Now I am just being silly, (amd serious), but wondering if anyone in Eastern Scotland would want to head out this weekend? Actually let me rephrase that. Let some yank tag along for the day for one last go at some SOTA before heading back to my side of the pond next week. Gas and Pints would be on me. I finish the TGO in a couple of days, and I am about to head into a no coverage zone until then. I will be in Montrose till Friday morning, but could meet anyone amywhere that public transit runs. Was hoping to maybe get something up in the Cairngorns?? Lochnagar was so beautiful, its creating an itch that needs scratching. I have my gear waiting for me in Montrose.
As noted I will be offline (probably till Wednesday) so just reply (or lambaste) me here. :).
73 de N6JFD


It was good to meet you when our paths crossed in Fort Augustus a couple of weeks ago, I’m back in Edinburgh now and the GM/ES summits are out of reach for me this weekend. Let me know if you are doing any more GM/SS summits sometime and I’ll try and arrange a meet up.


Very sorry we have left the area but I don’t think you would have appreciated the lowly summits we were tackling nor the snail pace to reach them. Hope you find someone who can help.
73 Viki (now N of Glasgow and heading South tomorrow)


Bad timing! Mo and I are about to depart for the Scottish Borders for ten days. Maybe @GM5ALX Alex or @MM7RVC Chris would be up for a hike.

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Alas I’m heading down to England this weekend!

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Sadly I am busy all weekend also, shame as weather looks not so bad.

73 Gavin

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“Weather looks not so bad”. Love that qualifier.

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I’ll probably do a local hill but not full-on Cairngorms.

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