EA8/DL2DXA/p wrong reference and problems

Today 09/03/2023 between 09:45 and 10:25 UTC i was activ from Pico de las Nieves; EA8/GC-001. 10 minutes after start visited me an responsible an asked me, what i do. I told him our hobby and i became a limit from 30 minutes for my actvity - sorry -
It is very difficult to be qrv from Pico de las Nieves, because the Trigpoint as the highest point and the AZ is very close to the spanish militaryon that mountain!!
From 10:56 to 12:12 UTC i was active from Roque Redondo, the correct reference is EC8/GC-001, (not EA8/GC-001) I see in the cluster, some wrong entries for my call in this time. Pse check your log for correct ref. and delete my call from SOTA-Log if the QSO is in this time. 73 DL2DXA


Nice operating positions for EA8/GC-001 out of sight of tourists can be found on a little down the road on the west side. No need to disturb tourists or the military. See description on sotlas.

73 Heinz

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I wondered about your quick QRT and supposed that some offical had stopped you. At least they didn’t just chase you away right away, like they did with me on EA8/GO-001.
Adding to the confusion was, that EA8/DL1DXA/p was active on 10m from EA/HI-001 at the same time. Therefore, there are probably some incorrect log entries. Never mind, its only a hobby. Hope to work you again in the coming days!

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the correct reference is [EC8/GC-001] But I can’t find it in the data ??? Sorry

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This is not a SOTA summit. It is a GMA reference.

Tnx for info 73