EA7 visit

I will visit in EA7 area next week. For sure I will activate EA7/MA-008 and I have also plan to activate and/or EA7/MA-024 and EA7/MA-027 depending on situation. Dates and times are still open but let’s see and let Sotawatch tell!

73, Saku OH2NOS (EA/OH2NOS)


Good luck Saku,
I will try if you go onto SSB - hope all goes well in any event :sunglasses:

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Hi Mike!

No problems, 7Ah battery is waiting me in Estepona. So when I will be in summit both cw and ssb will be used!

73, Saku

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My EA7 visit is behind. It was enjoyable but I did not reach all the summits which I planned. EA7/MA-008 I did, but EA7/MA-024 and EA7/MA-027 not. I spent one day in Malaga but my travel-mates were not interesting to go EA7/MA-027 even it was close. When we visited in Ronda and returned to Estepona we passed EA7/MA-024 but weather was awful it was not any sense to go to the summit. Correspondently I kept several chaser qsos from my flat. Next time more!

In the middle of May I will visit in Sweden (SM) and going to activate three summit. But more about that later!

Well done.
I hope to also hear from SM land :wink:

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