EA2IF/P @ EA1/CR-034 Mount Lagoa

Activation of Mount Lagoa. Dec 29th, 2013
While spending some of this Xmas holidays at my wife’s birth place and after having had very rainy and windy WX for the last 3 days, I saw the weather forecast for Sunday 29th and it seemed that there was little or no chances for rain, so I decided to prepare for the activation of Mount Lagoa, which is pretty close to my current QTH these days.
When I had just started and I was logging the 3rd QSO of the day a rain shower came and let my note book paper slightly wet, so my pen stopped writing. I asked for short QRX, rearranged my set-up repositioning and reorienting the protective umbrela to prevent water falling directly to my rig and logging papers and everything started working well again.
I managed to complete 56 QSOs today on 10, 12, 15, 20, 30 and 40m bands.
I had a S2S QSO with my good friend Ignacio at EA2/NV-032, had the pleasure to give SOTA points to many of you among some EA good friends of mine and managed to QSO with VK2DAG on 30 and 10m. This was absolutely great for my 5 watts and GP antenna.
Mount Lagoa is not very high above sea level but it’s right at the Atlantic Ocean shore. This always helps.
My batteries died after 1 hour and 40 minutes of intense activity at 5 watts output and it was good for me because my feet and hands were pretty frozen and I was having troubles to write down callsigns and play my paddle correctly by that time.
I had a very great time today and I want to thank very much all of you for your calls and QSOs.
73 & HNY

In reply to EA2IF:

Hi Guru,
It was a joy to hear you so well and have the chance of a S2S qso!
Congrats on your very good work, such DX with a compact qrp rig and temporary installation running extreme under the rain is something you’ll never forget.

I’m looking forward to have the chance of a combined activation here once you’re back in our NV land. I guess that’s not going to be the last one for the future…

Happy end of the year for you and yours, VY 72/73
Ignacio EA2BD