EA2CW's (me) extrange behavior on today EA2/VI-013

I think some of you might be a bit “surprised” by my strange cw keying speed shifts on our EA2/VI-013 (13, mmm…) activation.

I don’t already know why (cold or RF from near ant wire), but my electronic iambic keyer speed control pot. chose to ignore my orders, and stand at 28 wpm, while suddenly returning to 22-25 wpm speed. So, some of my QSO’s have started at 22, and without any warning, ended at very high speed. So they did some of my CQ calls.

Of course, just after returning back to home and tested it, it worked as always without any trace of having lost its peace.

If any of you thought that it was intentioned, I beg your pardon. Normally, my madness is not shown this way :wink:


In reply to EA2CW:

Hi Mikel,

Thank you for the QSO’s today & you have no need to apologize for your excellent CW :slight_smile:

Very best wishes for Christmas & a Happy & Healthy 2014!

Best 73,

Mark G0VOF

In reply to EA2CW:
Dear Mikel!
I enjoyed the speedy and effective operation. Don’t turn down that speed :slight_smile:
Thanks for the QSO and hope to catch you soon again - maybe we could manage a S2S contact in the new year.
Merry Christmas!
73 Viktor HA5LV

When Ever Fast is always good for me.
Keep up the good work and a Very Mery Christmas to you and your Family
de Dow [W4DOW] Chaser in W4V

Hi Mikel,

Many thanks for the qso yesterday. No problem with the keyer speed anomaly.
Thanks for drawing our attention to it. If it re-occurs, at least we’ll know what’s up.

Merry Christmas and HNY.


On holiday in IO73UB

In reply to EA2CW:

Hi Mikel,
don’t worry with your keyer; you are doing a fantastic job on your activation; I appreciate that you are ascending on the bands to cover most of them, and once you reach the top one, you start going down back again…

It’s very nice; sometimes it’s not possible to chase you on 14, 18, 21 MHz… Then I just wait for you to get back to 10 or 7 MHz again.

Thanks for chasing me as well; two days ago you worked me on 14, difficult indeed! A pity I couldn’t catch you yesterday.
Could I ask you one thing? How do you avoid interaction with Marcial when you are calling on different bands??

Keep with your good work and thanks also to Marcial. VY 73 es Happy Christmas! CU soon.
Ignacio EA2BD

In reply to EA2CW:
Hi Mikel,

Sorry I didn’t catch you yesterday on 30 mtrs. I was listening and watching you all day on the cluster. But I had to go out and just missed you on 30 mtrs. After about 15 minutes I left the house you came out on 30 mtrs. :frowning:
Maybe next time, better…

Good luck, happy Christmas and good health in 2014. Hope to work you.

73, Tonnie PA9CW

In reply to PA9CW:
Hi Tonnie!

That’s normal while hunting SOTAs… Sometimes propagation, others, the band plan of the activator… Just after long time waiting, you must leave, and you lost the summits…
Anyway, last sunday the summit was plenty of trees and was impossible to mount the linked dipole, so I chose to use the Fusch tuner with only a 8 m. wire. So, under 14 mhz, the antenna didn’t work so well. Marcial EA2BDS tested our new 24Mhz ground plane with excellent results, so it deserved the effort.

Tomorrow strong winds and heavy rain has been predicted here, but we’re going to Lemoatxa (EA2/BI-065) as there is a small open “mountain-church” -“bazeliza” in basque language- just in the summit, and we will operate from inside, and I’ll carry the big antenna. Be ready so!

Anyway, 73 ES MX FM BILBAO!

Mikel EA2CW

In reply to EA2BD:
Hi, Ignacio!
Lehenik eta behin, Gabon on bat eta urte berri on.

Well, as I answered to Tonnie, I was not able to work 3.5 and 7, and just in the limit on 10 Mhz. I hope that tomorrow the “panorama” will be different.

As to the interaction with Marcial while in the summits, he uses normally long wire -which is not resonant- but I use the linked dipole -which it is- and also the Elecraft T1 tuner, which acts also as a pass-band filter. Both antennas are usually no more than 10 meters away, sometimes on the same radiating plane, and being on some resonant frequencies we have some problems, but on few cases only. We are able to transmit on 7&14, 10&24, 7&18 without interferences.

Have in mind too that we are txmitting with only 5 watts.

So, Ignacio, thanks for your chasing/activating work, keep on, and have a good christmas holidays and happy brand new year as well!

Vy 73 de Mikel EA2CW!