EA2CSC & EA2CW two new EA2 MG

In the past days in August two EA2 ops have reached MG status:

EA2CSC, Gotzon, active since 2011, got 1004 points activating EA1/BU-007.

Gotzon has activated 202 summits doing most of them just in VHF, frequently carrying yagi antennas to maximize coverage, and logging interesting long distance QSO in this band.
Congrats Gotzon, baaah!

EA2CW, Mikel, active since 2013, got 1003 points activating EA1/SO-011, and celebrated briefly his MG by doing an additional summit on a three in a row activation.

Mikel has activated 334 summits combining VHF and HF, doing most QSO in HF CW. He has been testing and sharing results with many different portable rigs, and is actively encouraging new operators to meet SOTA.
Congrats Mikel, baaah!

Thanks to both for all the QSO in the way to the herd.

Zorionak biotzez
73 Ignacio


Many congratulations to you both. Gotzon you are a man after my own heart - my MG was attained on 2m and 70cm. Mikel, I was really pleased to work you on your MG Activation and also the previous 2 summits as well. Many thanks!

73, Gerald G4OIG


Felicitaciones y bienvenidos al rebaño
73 José

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Congratulations to both of you

Congrats U2

…. And thank you Mikel for many QSOs

73 Armin

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Congratulations Gotzon and Mikel, ¡how many satisfactions are behind that first goat!
Great joy for having shared the recent S2S.
EA4DOS Elena
Felicidades Gotzon y Mikel, ¡cuantas satisfacciones hay detras de esa primera cabra!
Gran alegria por haber compartido los recientes S2S.
EA4DOS Elena

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Herzlichen Glückwunsch.


Thank you both! Gracias, pareja!

Mila esker, Ignacio!

Congratulations guys! 73

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Thank you, Gerald for the QSOs and to all the chasers being there day after day!!! (hugs & kisses)

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Zorionak mutilak!

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Zorionak, a ze ahuntz parea!
Ezina, ekinez egina.
The impossible is achieved through hard work.
73 Inaki

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