EA2/NV-032 today Quickly terminated


today I did my last activation for 2013. I planned a long stay and I wanted to work in some more bands that I could finally do.

I arrived in the summit and installed my homebrew vertical, but soon after the first calls on 14 MHz a strong wind started to blow and later it started snowing.

It was difficult to log on paper 'cause it became wet and I could see the traces dissapearing under the water… I moved to CW and I kept working for a while by putting my log vertical and rubbing it frequently. Ever my cw keyer was covered in fresh snow!

I decided to finish earlier for that reason. Well, not a low number of qso in the end, with a real feeling of adventure and challenge, but I always balance the risks and pros to get on in a situation like that.

Hopefully I’ll soon be able to do some more activation early next year.
I have to consider preparing a better packaging to protect the rig and batteries as well and to have some shelter just in case…

Many thanks for all qso logged and CU soon. VY 73 es HNY
Ignacio EA2BD

In reply to EA2BD:
Congrats, Ignacio, and thank you for this activation under such tough conditions.
It was great for me having our 1st S2S QSO today and I hope we’ll have somme more in the new year 2014.
Happy new year to you and yours.