EA2/BI-061 and gift at home

Hello all!

(Marcial EA2BDS -left- and EA2CW -right-)

I have had again the pleasure of making a new activation with my fellow friend Marcial EA2BDS. Today was Tontorramendi EA2/BI-061, a low summit just on the border between Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, very close to the coast near the fisher village of Ondarroa.

Although the summit was quite low (just 386m ASL) we are becoming experts on “everesting” these small “thumbtacks”. What is this? Well, take a small summit and hike it by the worst path possible. Then, blame the chart, the GPS, your “sherpa” or whatever.

As the temp rounded 1 deg C, and despite the everesting which made our bodies burn, after a while, transmiting CW was no more easy. Both Marcial at 14mhz and me jumping between 7, 10 and 21Mhz filled abt 100 QSOs before we surrended. (Both using inv V linked dipoles and FT-817 @5w)

Later, when I arrived at home I found a gift that my 9 y.o. son had made on the most strict SOTA spirit!

73 and HNY to all SOTAers


Very good and cold activation today Mikel.
Congratulations for the artistic gift and congratulations to the artist .

My best wishes to all chasers and activators for the new year 2015, good health and good SOTAs, 73.

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That is just plain wicked what a lovely surprise.
