E7/HA-168 by E7/LZ1EEA/P - Sorry to all chasers

Last Saturday I tried to activate this summit on my way through Bosnia and Herzegovina.

I failed. It seemed no one was hearing my CW call, although I did manage one FT8 contact. Later on the internet I found out that my signal was actually being heard (with very decent SNR) and that I was even spotted.

So I would like to apologize to all chasers who called for nothing. If it is any consolation, you can imagine my frustration with calling CQ and seemingly not being heard. Even while others were having great fun with S2S contacts and the like and coming through with a very nice signal.

I guess it is true that if something can go wrong, it will. At least it was on a nicely accessible “drive-up” summit, one point… And I did get to enjoy a great view and great weather.

For anyone going to repeat the summit - the last stretch on foot is short, but to be taken seriously, because there is no real walking path, only mid-sized and sharp stones, which require careful footwork.

Thanks and sorry again,
LZ1EEA/P (Kiril)

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Hi Kiril,
Many chasers have called you long time, but you were deaf !
Or you weren’t listening on the right frequency !
Very best regards,
Chris F4WBN

Hi Kiril,

Murphy’s law (as expanded), “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible moment!”

Keep trying, “To err is human, but to broadcast is divine!”