Dx'p to Marquisas Island FO/M

Hello ED,
The activity was not valid for POTA.
It was a mistake from someone that did not check the conditions.
73 Gerald

In the first 2 days, we where most of time outside in the jungle, working on the antennas setup.
Then we had a Solar Blackout… it was no so easy to follow the plans.
73 from Gerald F6HBI

Hi Gerald - thanks for your efforts on the dxpedition. I already had Marquisas confirmed on 40m and 20m, so didn’t try for any contacts there, but did get into the TX7L log for the other 6 HF bands which I needed. Did not get 160m (no suitable antenna) nor 6m (no conditions) but got to leave some band slots for the next dxpedition :slight_smile:
Marquisas is a pretty easy get for us here in VK - only 8000km path, definitely far easier than western Africa.



Hello Gerald,
thank you for your message. No, the QSO was from my home station. But it was a hard work to reach the Marquesas. Unfortunately only the one connection. I tried it a lot and often. But I was very happy about the new DXCC for me. Were you the operator?
I hope you had a good time and nice experiences.
See you soon back from s summit!
Best 73’


salut gerald tu étais avec david la bas ??

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OUI Nicolas,
Nous étions dans le meme quart radio, avec David et Franck F4ISZ.
Bravo pour les deux contact cw 20/10m.

Dont forget to listen for all your sota chasers !!!

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Yes, Gerald, too bad no SOTA. Lots of nice QSOs on different bands.
John, K6YK

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Congratulations Gerald on your participation of this DXped.
I was glad to log your call in three bands, despite the huge Pile up
73 Ignacio


Hello Ignacio,
Yes the pile up was a bit difficult (!).
On 40m CW, it was me doing QSO with you, using an Elekraft K3 and 300W in a vertical antenna.
73’s from Gerald F6HBI/TX7L


J’ai eu David au 600 depuis, le monde est petit !! Bravo encore pour l’expedition :=)