Dumyat SS-216

A very pleasant morning spent on Dumyat yesterday. Must be getting fitter than I thought because using Naismiths Rule calculated 1.5 hours to summit without breaks. Taking about 2 ‘photo opportunities’ I reached the summit in 1 hour!

After pouring coffee and quick call on 2m FM with handy secured GM0AXY and GM4YMM in Edinburgh who kindly spotted me on SOTA watch and tipped me off to DL2DXA/p on 40m which helped to secure my first S2S - thanks Ken.

HF conditions very poor but managed VMZ, BVE and RMD 5Mhz SSB and FAM, DSP and COP 5Mhz CW. 40m wasnt much better struggling to make 6 more QSO’s - thanks Frank for second QSO.

Had decided to try 2m SSB as a result of all the chat on the reflector about the lack of 2m activity. Got Ken to spot me and called CQ over and over again on 144.300 beaming south but to no avail. Not sure whether the problem was everyone was at work or not beaming towards Scotland or just bad conditions.

Any way a very nice 2 hours was spent on the summit chatting to 22 stations and several intregued passers by. Thanks to all those that pulled me through the noise and poor conditions.