Drygarn Fawr & Fan Nedd

Hi everyone

Thanks to all the chasers and activators for the contacts on my last two activations. A report of these activations is now up on the blog http://mw0bbu.blogspot.co.uk/

73 Allan GW4VPX


Splendid reading as ever Allan - thanks. I did the thing of moving onto the WAB net towards the end of my latest activation too, only to be greeted with “not required” from half of those on the net! Just need to get to some new places I guess!

Hi Tom

Thanks. I find that many call in with me on the main SOTA activation so there are only a few ‘not required’ on the WAB ‘net’. My experience of the 'net has been positive with an efficient run down of the list in a very short period of time.

73 Allan GW4VPX

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