Don't call it a comeback.

No apologies; CW today (W7W/WE-027) was pitiful due to atrophied paddle skills, two months of no CW practice, and it was frigid on the hill. Thick gloves for the hike up were great. Taking gloves off to key, not so much.

To the chasers who endured: thanks for your patience. After an hour, my CW was unintelligible. I called it and packed up.



For me, the secret is to switch to a fingerless bike glove on one hand and a thick glove on the other, once reaching the peak. Not only for paddling, but to allow using a touch screen (Sotagoat).

Elliott, K6EL


Hi Matt,

Try some 7 mil nitrile gloves when you start your CW and need your dexterity. My key feels about the same and I can still operate a touch screen. The nitrile gloves usually buy me 45 minutes to an hour before my fingers get too cold.

When it is very cold, I use some open (3) finger fishing gloves over the nitrile gloves. Does the trick! My fingers tips get too cold when I use only the fishing gloves.



Thanks Ron. I ordered a pair of glove liners tonight. In the meantime, I’ll try the nitrile inserts and see.

Hi Matt,
No prob. Josh, WU7H and I worked you on that one and everything worked out just fine. We appreciate you being out there!


Thanks Darryl.

I always amazed how patient SOTA chasers are.

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