I recently got round to activating my last three uniques over here in G/SC, i.e. G/SC-009, G/SC-011 & G/SC-013 and can now finally proclaim ‘Worked all G/SC’ !!
Whilst walking up to these summits, I noticed an abundance of mushrooms in some spots… does anyone rummage for their dinner during activations?
Hi Richard… & totally agree… that’s why I’m on Apple store trying to find an App. By the way, I cannot find any decent free ones so it would seem you have to pay to stay alive
I wouldn’t trust myself to identify any “mushrooms” as edible, though.
I did eat a few late whimberries (also known as bilberries), I often collect those for pies / jelly, also damsons and blackberries - but not such a good year for them, too dry I think…
They look like unripe Fly Agaric toadstools or Amanita Muscaria. They contain poisons and psychoactive compounds but are unlikely to kill you. You’ll be unwell and tripped out to hell however! But that’s the problem looking like Fly Agaric and being Fly Agaric are two different things. They could be something much worse.
It’s the fact that even regular foragers can make mistakes is what stops me trying wild mushrooms. You just need to remember the case of Nigel Evans, author of The Horse Whisperer to make you steer clear.
Roast onions and some ham or bacon
Add mushrooms ( I gave them a quick boil for 3 minutes in saltwater before) and roast them a bit
Add heavy cream
Add a handfull of grind down Grana Padano cheese to form a creamy sauce
Add al’dente pasta
Refine to taste with salt and fresh black pepper.
As has been said these should be edible, common English name is the Parasol mushroom. I say should as there is a False Parasol mushroom which isn’t good eating. You need to look at the stem and if it looks like the skin of a snake you should be OK.
I do forage when i can but always try to identify the mushroom from two seperate sources. Usually a book first then looking on line for photographs and descriptions for confirmation.
While out on a winter camping trip a few years ago,. I spent a night in the Shap fells. It was a cold night, and I had run out of tea bags, so I decided to try making pine needle tea for the first time.
Later that night, just as I was dosing off an horrific (but perhaps paranoid) thought crept into my mind…what if the trees near my tent included some yew trees, and I had just drank a mug of poison leached out of the yew tree needles.
I didn’t sleep too well from worry.
Well, I survived the night as presumably they were indeed pine trees, but it but me off foraging.
Those Shaggy Inkcaps make very good eating when young - i.e. before the caps open, and the gills are still pink. You have to get them home fairly quickly before they begin to turn. Often found on recently-disturbed ground.
As far as the Parasol mushrooms are concerned, a good way to tell the good edible one Macrolepiota procera from the others which can cause gastric upsets, is to inspect the stem as John has said; also the ring on the stem should be movable up and down the stem; and also the cap flesh should not stain orange/red when cut.
A very fine book for mushroom identification is “Mushrooms”, by Roger Phillips.