Do you know Q-codes?

In reply to MM0FMF:
How many codes are you expected to remember. who knows the simplo codes off by hand.Personably I have better things to think about if its not a world wide thing forget about it. as regards QRX why not send pse stand by .But if you don’t understand English that would be no good either.Nit picking about things that don’t matter.What do you think the people of Accrington would think .geoff

In reply to G6MZX:

as regards QRX why not send pse stand by

Try them both in CW Geoff, and you’ll see why. But as I have said, best not to send either - just stick with the call/partial you were asking for.


In reply to G3CWI:

Well, I had not realised you were an ex-CBer Walt. You are full of

There was no CB when I got my licence, Richard.

But then, I am a REAL G3 !


Walt (G3NYY)

In reply to MM0FMF:
It’s a sad story, Andy, and a real shame that so many hams seem to be totally deaf or uneducated on the bands these days.
The result would have probably been the same but I’d have used the word ONLY given that QRX wasn’t working. It’s not Q code but I use ONLY when in a pile up I call someone by a couple or three letters/number of the callsign I managed to pick up and several others come back at the same time. It usually works but this is not a magic word so, as I said, the result in your case would have probably been the same.
I fully agree with Victor’s explanation (GI4ONL): there are many hams using computers for CW SOTA chasing without knowing the morse code and not being able to understand almost anything other than their own callsing, the 599 and 73 TU.
These guys get the activators callsing from SOTAWATCH spots, they go to the frequency and call, call, call until they here someone coming back to their call, then they send 599 + their own callsign, sometimes many, too many times and that’s it, but in fact they have no idea of what’s really happening on the frequency nor what the other hams around are saying. They are just DEAF and it’s a real shame!
There are others which are really bad guys, but this is another story.
Best 73 de Guru - EA2IF

In reply to MM0FMF:

So much easier in SSB … you just say in a stern voice … QRX please, stand by! I am only listening for xxxxx/p



On the crowded and/or sometimes with some bad practising ops moments, I use to stay silent for 10-15 sg. This normally calms people (after some tail calls, of course) and lets you call the partial callsign.

The A+S (.-…) use normally has no effect among keyboard people as they don’t know its meaning.

QRX is sometimes an invitation to tail callers to launch his/her call once more (or twice!).

Both systems above have also the disadvantage that, being usually on QRP, your “shouts” are sometimes not heared, precisely because the ones making the QRM.

So, let the people take a breath for those 10-15 seg, asking themselves if the activator had stopped because their bad behaviour or… Then, when you transmit again, usually people performs better.

73 de Mikel

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