DM/BW-009 ouch

Hi all just a quick message to say don’t try DM/BW-009 with a motorhome. The north side has a width restriction of 2.2M so I carried on driving to the south side, well that has a restriction of 2.3M, my motorhome is 2.4M if I push in my mirror arms lol. So after driving for about an hour after activating DM/BW-067 I ended up scrapping this summit and headed to DM/BW-001. We parked up in the small village I think it is a ski resort? Then I got my bicycle off the rack to the rear and started my ride up. My bicycle is assisted electric but even that could not make it with me peddling so I pushed it part of the way up, about 1/3 of the way up it is very steep. I managed to cycle the rest of the way. Then found on EE I had not got 3G / 4G so I sent a spot and waited like a minute for it to appear. I managed 3 quo’s and started to panic, I was about to get my cw paddle out and decided to try 40M, in grim hope I put need one more so to qualify the summit and got 6 hi hi. I should have put that first.

Thank you all chasers that helped me to qualify. I am taking a break tomorrow around lake Bodensee and might activate a few of the drive on 1 pointers in HB9. I am still a few uniques away from my 100.


73 Armin


Well Done Paul. You showed Grit and Determination. Best Wishes to You and Michelle. 73 de Paul M0CQE.

Hi Paul thank you, I heard you today on a 5/7 when you called Tom M1EYP/P on 14.227 I think it was and spotted 14.229 hopefully to catch you but not this time. I hope to get you in the log before we end next Thursday.


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Very Sorry Paul. My Computer is not in the same room as the Radio, it is at the other end of the house. I didn’t see your message until half an hour after you had sent it. maybe we will make that QSO. I do hope so. 73 de Paul M0CQE.

A few days ago I activated. this summit and there was plenty of motorhomes on the summit parking. I even saw a regular sized local bus arrive to the bus stop there.

We arrived from the south, we read somewhere that northern route is closed or at least in very bad shape. But I admit I didn’t pay attention to the road width, so YMMV.


Hi there yes I spoke to another Brit in a Motorhome and he said he had been up the day before and there were also coaches up there so I will try again in the week but thank you.

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