DL3LUM/p activation today on DL/WS-001

Finally I made it up to the summit (2962 mtr). It took me about 6 hours with some breaks. After some lunch and “Radler” I was quickly installing the station (KX3, KX3 paddle…and HF-P1 ant, running around 9W with ext LiPO), and on 40 mtr it worked very well. I had only less than 20 min to operate, made 18 QSO’s. There was thunder/lightning around…I will put the log on SOTA and photos on QRZ.com when back. Thanks to all who waited and enjoy your SOTA points. This was the last activation during this Summer vacation. 73 Jörg DL3LUM / PA1MUC

In reply to DL3LUM: Well done Joerg. I also intend activating the Zugspitze this coming Saturday but will be taking the easy option of the cable car to get there. 6 hours (or in my case most likely more) actually climbing the mountain is not going to happen. At least not this year.

I have decided to give 20m (ssb) a go after my recent experiences with the QRM on 40m from the Jenner mountain last weekend.

Well done again on the climb and activation.

73 Ed DL/VK2JI

In reply to VK2JI:
Dear Ed! I wish you good luck on Zugspitze. I had not much time and thunder/lightning came up. Thus, I decided not to probe the other bands. Tried 40 m and it worked very well with not that much of interference. Enjoy as well the nice landscape. 73/55 Jörg DL3LUM / PA1MUC