DL25, DL35 special preffix or bad ears?

Today while activating EA2/BI-062, I made QSO with DL25 and DL35 stations. Does anybody know if I copied them wrong or there is a special pfx?

I have not found any clue at qrz.com

OTOH, thanks to everybody who were on the freq listening, and thanks again, Matt /VK2DAG for a new pretty DX qrp/sota!

73 de Mikel

In reply to EA2CW:

Hi Mikel,

Sorry I missed you today on 30m.

Possibly the DL25 prefix is to commemorate 25 years since to fall of the Berlin wall or re-unification of Germany in 1989?

I’m not sure about DL35 though.

Thanks & best 73,

Mark G0VOF

In reply to G0VOF:
Thanks, Mark
So could be half special / half bad ears… :-S

73 de Mikel

In reply to EA2CW:

Who knows, there can be many reasons on either side for copying strange calls. The complete callsigns as you read them might give more clues.

So many German special prefixes have been heard in recent years, they are not that special any more :wink: and may not even be deemed worth spotting on the DX cluster. A DR25GRENZE station has indeed been active in January on 40 m SSB (one single spot on dxsummit.fi), they might be activated now and then again during 2014. QRZ.com lives from user input - if nobody writes an entry for a station, you won’t find it there. However, QSL cards of German stations with special prefixes are usually sent through the bureau, thus there is little need for an address.

73, Jan-Martin