DL - One More Year ?

Dear MT,

not sure if there is a real chance but will try:

Have focused last year on the DL-Summits which will be deleted, could activate 31, but still >40 are open (from the ‚reachable for me‘ subset).

Would it be possible to prolong the transition time by one more year ?

Expect other activators will appreciate it and chasers too…

Thanks and BR
73 andy DL2DVE


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There is a well established way to send a message to the MT which ensures that they see it. A post on the reflector is unreliable, it may or may not be seen by the MT.

Andy , ich hätte auch noch einige auf der Liste, wäre super das ging…


tnx Brian, used the contact form now. 73 andy

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I have activated every summit in G (England). Except that I haven’t. There’s five references that were deleted before I ever got to them due to them being found not to qualify.

It would be nice if they could be revalidated for a short period so I could visit them … but it would not be right.

Concessions have already been made with regard to the DL P100 summits. These are:

  • They have remained valid for many years since the formalisation of the objective summit criteria rule.
  • A long notice period was given to allow more activations before deletion.

Extending that notice period by one year would not be reasonable as then every association with non-compliant summits would expect the same.

BTW I have 3 P100 summits very close to my home QTH. They have never been valid for SOTA but I still enjoy walking on them. Sometimes I even take my radio! You can do the same in DL, and still log the activations in the GMA scheme.


Appreciate you sent an answer Tom. 73 andy


(post deleted by author)