DL/N6JFD/P on DM/BW-114

Thanks you chasers!! that was a hard activation. to those on 30m cw i could hear some of you well, and thanks for going slow AND being patient! I ran out of time (the xyl was hovering since I was taking longer then expected), and had to shut down in a hurry. Adding the DL/ was hard for me on the cw, had not practiced it enough…

Hope to try and work you from M, MM in the next 10 days.

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Hi Jamie,
Thanks for the CW QSO on 30m just 42 minutes ago.
It was a pleasure for me to QRS and repeat my callsign to guarantee a 100% good contact with you.
I’ll be looking forward to chasing you soon again while you are in Europe and later from your Lake Tahoe mountains in California when the sunspots show up again in good number.


Guru, glad to make your aquaintance, and have the chase!! i too hope we get to stretch it across the Atlantic one day!!!

interesting word I had never seen/heard before.
Searched for it in my pocket dictionary and it isn’t listed.
A web translator told me the meanning at last, although it gives me 3 different aceptions i.e. friendship, conquer, meet/know
Which one matches best to what you wanted to express?
Thank you!.

to “meet” you

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It does not helped that i mistyped it (on my phone) it should be “acquaintance”

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Ok. Searched it again in my Collins GEM pocket dictionary with a C between A and Q and it certainly is listed with the meanning you mentionned “meet”.
