
Hello !
Somebody can explain me what is this spoting machine which spots wrongs informations ? Today i was not in DM/BW-293, i did not activate this summit cause i lost to much time with the meter of snow in DM/BW-010 !!
So i wonder why is this machin for ? if it gives wrong info, and put all chaser in confusion !
Sems we do not have any control on it !!!

Sat 09:43 DL/F5HTR/P on DM/BW-293 14.061 cw
*CQ CQ at 24 wpm. S/N=18 dB at SK3W {Via RBNGate} (Posted by KU6J)

In reply to F5HTR:

Hello Bob, I cannot answer your question but I think most avid chasers look at the frequency rather than the detail, then spin the dial, move the mouse and listen, hopefully, for a while. :wink:
Mike G6TUH

In reply to F5HTR:
If you don’t want to be spotted by it then you only have to tell it so. You have complete control. A bigger problem is people who don’t listen to what the dx is sending.


In reply to MM0FMF:
OK for information ! So who i need to contact for this request ?
Yes i agree that few of them listen CW, but now i suddenly understand why chaser ask my so often reference !! because this spot just create confusion to all ! That is not usefull as a spoting !!

best 73

In reply to F5HTR:

OK for information ! So who i need to contact for this request ?
best 73

Robert you don’t need to contact anyone.
You can control it all yourself.
All the details are here:

For your alert today, if you had added RBNN in the comments then RBN would not have spotted you. A better option would have been to enter the summits as DM/BW-??? in the alert, then you would be spotted without summit details and the chasers would have to listen for your summit info and post it to Sotawatch. Of course chasers have a habit of posting the incorrect summit info too!

Thanks for the contact this morning, you were a good signal on 14Mhz.


In reply to F5HTR:

…Somebody can explain me what is this spoting machine which spots wrongs informations ?..

Hello Robert!

RBNGate uses a time window for each alert -1/+3 hours. So at the end of your activation on BW-010 you came in the time-window of the next alert for BW-293!

73 de Chris, OE3CHC

In reply to F5HTR:
Hello Bob,
We can talk about that by phone or when you come to visit French Riviera again!
yesterday i had to qrt because of 1 element of the Lipo battery dropped under 3.0v (this pack has been used nearly 145 summit-pedition)!
73 from sunny sea-side. Gerald F6HBI

Thanks for explanation to all! I did not follow this new technology!
Best bises et a bientot to all

In reply to F5HTR:
Hello to all,
Yes the RBN just look at the alert… If like me you don’t but alert before you don’t be spot hiii !!! (By RNB of course !!!)
So for the contact Bob on saturday I’m in /P in F/NO-028 !!!(at 09:34)
"A plus tout le monde !!!"

lastest small video in DM/BW !

see u tomorrow from there once more !
73 Bob