DJ5AV 100,000 Chaser points

Congratulations on joining the ranks of Hyper-Sloth Mike.
A magnificent achievement.

Congratulations Mike



In reply to OK1DVM:

Well done Mike, thanks for many, many contacts.

For those still working to 100000 chaser points, this is what you will see when you hit 100000.

You are not yet a Mountain Goat with 1 points.
You are a Shack Sloth with 100600 points.
Shack Sloth achieved on 20-Jun-2006
10x Shack Sloth achieved on 09-Oct-2007
25x Shack Sloth achieved on 24-Jun-2009
50x Shack Sloth achieved on 30-Jul-2011
75x Shack Sloth achieved on 02-Feb-2013
100x Shack Sloth achieved on 29-May-2014

You are not yet a Mountain Goat with 166 points.
You are a Shack Sloth with 100000 points.
Shack Sloth achieved on 12-Feb-2007
10x Shack Sloth achieved on 09-Jun-2008
25x Shack Sloth achieved on 02-Jul-2010
50x Shack Sloth achieved on 02-Apr-2012
75x Shack Sloth achieved on 24-Jun-2013
100x Shack Sloth achieved on 08-Jun-2014

Now I have to extend the code to support scores beyond 100000.


Congratulations Michael! Always a pleasure to listen you at summits!

73 de Mikel EA2CW

Congratulations Mike on achieving the Hyper Sloth.

Jimmy M0HGY

Congratulations Mike on an excellent achievement. That total is almost beyond comprehension for a part-time chaser like myself creeping up towards 5xSS.

73 and looking forward to working you the next time I am out on a summit,

Gerald G4OIG

“bravo” Michael

on my Top activation chasers you are ( 44)
and number 4
a pleasure to qso with you

" au revoir et à bientôt "


Congrats Mike !!!

vy 73 Klaus DF2GN/p

Hello Mike,

Congratulations and well done. You are a regular visitor in my headphones 8)

I was SWLing when you told the station you had worked that the contact took you past the 100k. I did say something at the time but you did not hear me I think.

Best wishes

Thanks and well done Mike. My most regular caller!

Vy 73 Richard G3CWI

Congratulations Mike!

Always a pleasure to get DJ5AV in the log. Perfect gentleman on the air.

Thanks for the QSO’s, looking forward to future contacts.


Well done Mike another great achievement,I am half way behind you.73 Don.

In reply to G4SSH:
Congratulations Mike, what an achievement.
73 from Colorado and keep on chasing :slight_smile:


Hi Michael, I am pleased to hear about your performance.
Best 73 de Manfred – DL9MDI

Hallo Michael,

ich gratuliere Dir zu Deinen 100000 Punkten.
Ich bin jedesmal wieder darüber erfreut “Schöne Grüße vom Bodensee” zu hören.

73 Stephan, DM1LE

Congratulations Mike, you have been a very welcome entry in my log many times over the past 2 years.

73 Victor GI4ONL(/P)

In reply to G6TUH:
hello Mike,
yes, I got and understood your remark on the air.
You were the first on congratulations on the 100 000.

In the future I will do more on activating.
And I also have a small job on tourism and take lessons on English.

So chasing is not the only thing keeping me busy.

Cu on SOTA de Mike, dj5av

In reply to DJ5AV:
Congratulations Mike, and thank you for spotting me so quickly on 30m today - you have first class chaser ears! :o)


Guten Abend Michael
Im Namen des Vorstandes von HB9SOTA, der SOTA-Gruppe Schweiz, aber auch von mir persoenlich gratuliere ich dir herzlich zu 100’000 Chaser-Punkten. Danke auch fuer gesamthaft 573 QSO’s. Speziell gefreut haben mich dabei die 90 QSO’s auf 12 Meter, die mir im Challenge stark geholfen haben. Ich hoffe, dir an der Ham Radio persoenlich gratulieren zu koennen. Auch deine Faehigkeit, CW zu fahren, gehoert bei dieser Gelegenheit stark gelobt zu werden.
Vy tnx es 73 de HB9BIN, Juerg

In reply to DJ5AV:
Congratulations Mike, and no surprise to us out here in New Mexico where you are often in our activator logs. You have very good ears!

AWDH & 73,
John K1JD