Discovery TX500 (Part 1)

Yes, Yuri, thank you. Immediately after buying the transceiver, I decided to redo the headphone and CW manipulator cables so that I could do without adapters. Connectors are needed for this purpose. I ordered the necessary connectors on AliExpress and they were received by me a long time ago. But in the summer there was no time to deal with this topic - there were many trips to activate RDA and other things. Now there is more time and, of course, I will do what I have planned. Thank you for advice. :ok_hand: :grinning:


I hope this is ok, I wanted to add to this discussion. Here is my first review of the one I got over the weekend. I know the activation towards the end of the video isn’t SOTA; my QTH is 4 hours from a SOTA peak, but 3 miles from a POTA park. Hope someone here may find it useful


I still have to watch them it’s been crazy being back at work but I will!


Thanks Beau for your review video of this radio. Very interestning. :grinning:

73 Geoff vk3sq

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Brilliant - thank you!

Seems like a possible worthy alternative to a KX-2 with the added bonus of being ruggedised to some extent, but missing the internal battery and ATU options.

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Yes Gerald, I agree with you about the internal battery.
Especially when travelling by plane, one can avoid trouble when the batteries are hidden in a case.
This recent post shows a prototype of the proposed battery pack (warning: link goes to Facebook!).

Until now, I never used an ATU when portable and I never missed one, since I only use resonant antennas, like the portable 7-band EFHW antenna.
Apart of the lower weight, one thing less that may break.

73 Stephan

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Hello friends I was asked for a headphone Jack comparison here is the video


Got it watched, good comparison video.

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Thank you for providing a sound comparison with strong signals.

Two weeks ago, while on a SOTA hill, I compared together with @HB9HGQ the TX-500 with the KX3.

I was more interested in comparing weak signals, just some few dBs above the noise floor. But to be honest, we both could not really hear a difference between the two rigs while listening to faint SSB signals. The RX filter width of the TX-500 was set to 2.4kHz (300-2700Hz).

73 Stephan


There is a matching amplifier coming along for this radio. The 60W PA-500 has been in development for a while but now seems close to being available.

A UK supplier is now taking deposits for it although their website says it is now in stock. A cable is available to use it with the IC-705. The photos suggest it only does 10, 20, 40 and 80m but it does all the main bands and the LEDs change colour to show what is selected.

It needs a 13.8v supply but that can be easily done from a battery.

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Hi John,

It looks nice and it supports all bands between 80m and 10m. But with the improving conditions, I’m fine with 10W, at least for now. Less weigth, and cables and no bigger battery needed. But indeed, it seems well engineered.

73 Stephan

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I agree although for POTA/WWFF activations I can see the attractions. But for about the same money you can buy an FT-857.

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True, but compared to a KX2 or TX-500 it will drain your battery even in RX in shorter time. But for these schemes you can more easily carry a bigger battery.
The good thing of an external amp is that you can stay lean when not using it.
As in live, several pros and cons.

This amplifier includes an ATU as well, and that is a pretty nice to have, even if you don’t plan to use the amp itself much.

To me the amp/tuner combo is very inefficient. Sure the TX500 on receive has a way lower almost 0A draw and a FT891 has 1.08A. Though on the other side of it these are the numbers I personally have experienced for FT891 TX 4.2-5.06A at 5W 4.8-5.3 at 10W 5.5-7.2 at 50w 7.5-10A at 100w. So for QRP yes the TX500 or other QRP radios are the clear winner TX500 set to TX 100% gives only a draw of 1.13A which is 9-12W on SSB depending on what you are saying. Looking at the numbers that Julian posted here

Personally if I want more than QRP I will just use my FT891 sure it’s heavier but to me it’s more efficient on TX.

I don’t know if the amp/tuner combo will allow for tuner only operation. But if the tuner is more what someone is in the need for then buying an Elecraft T1 is a faction of the cost.

Maybe I’m totally wrong maybe I’m not, but Cost is a big factor to me also. FT891 only cost about $700 with shipping here in the US. This amp is going to cost more than that alone.


I think your figures are significantly wrong. 100W RF output is quoted at 23A by Yaesu and RX with signal present at 2A. Your figures don’t fit the reality of the circuit topology of radios like an 891. So either your meter is faulty, your measurement procedures are faulty or the laws of physics are different in your part of the world. :wink:

Typically the PA will be about 45% efficient so 100W RF means 222W dc input which at 13.8V would be 16A ignoring the current for the synth, drivers, bias circuits, CPU, displays etc. etc.


I guess it is possible that my meter doesn’t work correctly but here is a clip I just filmed using my MFJ-4125 power supply.

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My IC-7300 pulls 18-19A at 100W - according to the analog meter on my linear PSU. I don’t think the efficiency of any linear output stage can be much different - don’t forget the driver current is also significant.

If I measure with a cheap digital handheld meter it reads oddly because there is enough RF around to mess up the meter electronics. Same could be happening here


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You are trying to measure current draw with a randomly varying voice waveform on a digital meter with a fixed sample rate uncorrelated to the waveform. Your measurements are complete and utter nonsense.

Use CW or FM and you will get near to the ballpark.


Just did it with FM and it’s only pulling 15.65A @ 100W. I am 95% SSB user with very little FT8 or JS8CALL. Though neither of digitalis do I plan on using with my TX500