DF2GN on DM/BW-042

Hi Klaus

The weather forecast for Saturday around VK1 is rain with scattered thunderstorms.

Subject to WX, I will do my best to get on a summit.

Andrew, VK1NAM

In reply to VK1NAM + DF2GN:

Hope you both hook up!
Will listen out :wink:
Night night/g day
Mike G6TUH


changed the alert to dm/bw-228. easy walk up tmrw morning and it takes a bit time to set up my antenna. 2x60m wire at around 20m high at feedpoint. two wires with a angle from 20° spacing to direction VK…dir 80°. its like an wire V-beam. power out around 25…30wtts. not sure how sigs are in uk, because of the wrong direction of antenna…lets see :wink: WX is fine tmrw, so i´m out 100%.
maybe if i´m very early ready with setup i will call first on 40m cw for NA.
now first on the way for the last nightshift at work for this week…cu tmrw !

vy 73 Klaus DF2GN

In reply to DF2GN:

Hello Klaus…
I’m using from 2007 2x190m wire V-Beam,but now i exchange too 2x160m wire collinear antenna.
Robert SP8RHP.

In reply to SP8RHP:

Hi Robert, thanks info. Wow :wink: 2x190m has a good gain ! what spacing between the wires ? i use only 2x60m because the split between the effort of setting up the antenna more quick and a bit gain into choosen direction. on 10m band the antenna works much better. its only a test :wink: as allways ! if antenna works i will repeat the test with direction NA a afternoon next days on 10-15m band. maybe i can finish work earlier, so dm/bw-42 is possible again and maybe a new one for vk chasers.i set the alert later with the right reference. not sure yet.
hope also for a s2s with yyy Mike :wink: hope ant. will play good enough to uk.

vy 73 Klaus DF2GN

In reply to DF2GN:
Hi Klaus

Weather permitting, I will try VK1/AC-023 Mt Coree 4 points @ 1421 metres ASL. This summit will be a new unique for EU and UK chasers.

Weather forecast is for some rain and scattered thunderstorms, clearing by evening.

Good luck, hope to make the contact.

Andrew, VK1NAM

In reply to DF2GN:

hope also for a s2s with yyy Mike :wink: hope ant. will play good enough
to uk.

Hi Klaus,

Will listen out for you…

73 Mike

Off from work in a few minutes.heading then to dmbw042.
What kind of antenna not sure yet,depends on arrival time.
But for sure high enough, many trees on the summit.
Hope to be qrv at around 0630utc. Then i call the first 30min
On 40m for NA…

Cu later. Klaus Df2gn

In reply to DF2GN:
Hello Klaus, good to speak to you this morning and the activators from VK land. I think propagation was very good this morning. Great fun. I was particularly pleased, having failed the other day, to make contact with Doug VK2FMIA/P on 40. I think your antenna was working very well - summit to VK mobile! 8)
Best wishes
Mike G6TUH

In reply to G6TUH:
Hi folks sorry I couldn’t stay on Mt Coree longer. Just after the contact with G0RQL Don, there was a large clap of thunder from nearly lightning. Had to get off the exposed rock, didn’t want to be a lightning conductor.

I will update the blog tomorrow and include pictures of the mountain, SOTA station and storm clouds.

Thanks Klaus for the excellent S2S contact, signals were very strong.

Andrew, VK1NAM

In reply to VK1NAM:

Thanks Klaus for the excellent S2S contact, signals were very strong.

Booming into VK from Germany. Not surprised looking at your description above. Thanks for my first German summit, Klaus!


In reply to DF2GN:
Hi Klaus,
after working you on CW today at a lower signal strength than expected and hoped for, I was very happy to hear you much stronger on SSB later. Conditions may have improved and your signal on SSB was excellent. Can you tell me what your antenna was, sounds like an extended V beam and please confirm the included angle in degrees. I am planning a V beam at home where I do have the space.

In reply to VK1DA:

Hi Andrey, thanks for the call on cw ! nice dx.
i don´t used a v-beam on my activity on dm/bw-042. i was later on air as planned.
so no calls to NA on 40m before 20m for VK. after over 30min of setting up a v-beam with the feedpoint very high a and checking,and checking…:wink: the swr i had bad problems. after a while i noticed a broken wire at the feedpoint so i was on air only with my 2x40m doublet as inv.V…i had set up the doublet as a slooped inv.V. dir VK with the feedpoint at about 25-30m high in a tree.no real extd. v-beam, but it seems also a horizontal pol. wire antenna does a god job, if high enough. good to have so many high trees here on the summits :wink:
if you have questions about v-beams, i thing Robert SP8RHP is the right one.
maybe he send you also a few pdf´s ? by the way, thanks you robert for sending me these good infos via e-mail !

all in all, i had a real nice activation at early morning with a good mix of 20 and 40m. had made also a few calls on 12m again after a time long, but don´t liked the sound of the cw sigs there. some stations i can´t work because the echos of the different propagations on the rx way. so i opend the doublet then and set up the wires then to west/east direction to work some more chasers on 40m. the 20m band was a very big fun today !!! 4 s2s to VK with an all in all 26 QSO´s to VK :slight_smile: Happy now ! :slight_smile: logged 172 QSO´s this time mainly on 20 and 40m.

next activity to work VK with not so a big antenna. to much work before an erly morning activity :wink: i plan to stack to vertical halfwave vertical wires in a tree to look how that works. much easier to set up.
at 17.march i hope for good condx on 80m around 1900utc. then i try VK on 80m band, but chances are not soooo good. but if you never try…set up a fullsize delta loop then, so maybe some nice other qso´s in the log after if vk don´t work.

thanks to all chasers today, and especially the very good eu chasers for waiting in the times i call cq dx only. also a big thanks you for the dx cluster spots, i like them if i try to work some dx !

vy 73 Klaus DF2GN

hope all chasers noticed that i not use /portable in the call anymore…
qrv sota/gma only…

In reply to DF2GN:
Hi Klaus,

Congratulations on your fine VK score and thanks for for the s2s. You were a booming signal into G.

73 Mike

In reply to DF2GN:

Yeah when I hear things are slowing down for the activators I throw a few spots onto the DX Cluster and listen. Amazing how fast they come around, like Parana!

If you want to try 80m Klaus give me a few days warning. Sunrise here at the moment is around 19:50. So plus and minus and hour each side of that. I worked a YO in the morning a few days ago. Grey line might be a bit early for us at the moment. So depends on your sunset times too.


In reply to DF2GN:
Hi Klaus,

Ok on the antenna changes. My plans tend to change too if weather or delays force me to cut down my ambitions!

None of our local summits have trees higher than 10m so no chance of an antenna 25m high.

We looked for EU activators tonight but despite some spots seen, only the chasers were heard. Our summit tonight has a few telecommunications services on it, with a high voltage power line and transformer, quite possibly some noise coming off insulators there.

I will be on Mt Ginini next weekend vk1/ac-008 for a national field day contest from 0100 Saturday to 0100 Sunday. I will be on the mountain overnight and will look for SOTA contacts on 20m and possibly lower bands too. Sunrise is around 1930 UTC and sunset is about 0830.
73 de Andrew vk1da

ok, thanks for your replies :slight_smile:

my plans are now fixed, or maybe nearly fixed.
the sunrise/sunset timee at 17/18.march are 5:35 / 17:34utc here in dm/bw.
at 17/18. march i have two days of from work and hope for good wx. if wx bad i´m again on dm/bw-228. on these two days i will set up a low band antenna and try 160/80m at the sunset to work vk or other dx. if no dx, i think there are plenty of eu chasers to work on these bands :wink: i let the antenna there and on the following morning i try the same at sunrise, maybe to work some NA chasers on 80m again.

not sure what antenna yet, there are two possible antennas. number one is a slooped fullsize delta loop with a link in it to open to work as a folded dipol on 160m. but never try´d this antenna and no clue how it works.
number two is a proven one :slight_smile: a simple inv.L with a vertical part about 30m high. with a good shot from the slingshot very fast setup. and its proven :slight_smile:
i take 40m antenna wire with 20m of 450ohm feeding line to work as a halfwave vertical. so only a few radials needed if i want work also on 160m.

so lets see how condx on 17/18.march. is sun activity to bad for lowbands i o to another date.

vy 73 klaus DF2GN

@1040: a quick look on the spots page…WOW, what a activity ! fine how sota is booming :slight_smile:
NO sota for me today, have to go geocaching with xyl :wink:

In reply to VK1NAM:
Hi all

SOTA blog report from Mt Coree VK1/AC-023

Andrew, VK1NAM

In reply to DF2GN:

OK Klaus. Is 17th March 19:00z to late for you? That should be 18th March 06:00 for me.

Today A index is 3 and K is 1. I am not hearing any NA stations on their sunrise on 80m tonight. So will keep an eye on 80m over the coming weekend. If there is no improvement then we will have to pick another time.

Also we have been getting a lot of P5 “over the horizon radar” wiping out 80m (sometimes all night) so there are a few things against us making it!

Worth the challenge.


In reply to VK2DAG/VK5CZ:

Hi Matt, Ian,

hope all is well :slight_smile: Now only a few days timm monday evening around 1900utc.
Matt, have you heard any sigs from europe the last days on lower bands ?
its worth trying ? i have no expirience with contacts on 80m with VK. But the same i thinked about 40m :wink: if condx too bad in moment i can choose another date as 17/03…maybe we should write e-mail about this skeds, maybe its not interesting or usefull for others/reflector.

on the live maps in the net i see actually very nice condx on 28mhz…mhh.
and soo much work this week, no time to go out on a summit :frowning:

vy 73 Klaus DF2GN