DB7MM DM/BM-370 vs. DM/BM-345 on 20.03.2015

All chasers who have worked me on 20.03.2015 please check your log: I was activating DM/BM-370. The selfspot via APRS of 15:47 UTC is erroneous.
@DJ5AV: Thanks for the correction spot. Also thanks to the operator telling me about my error on the band.

Sorry for the confusion.

Propably was not my day. Despite my tablet was indicating 3G internet connection was very poor so I decided to use my Kenwood TH-D72 for an APRS-spot. Unfortunately it has a silly bug simply discarding any new messages once it has 100 messages received/sent. So my first message was lost and I had to reenter it after deleting some old messages. Entering the 2nd one I missed to change the reference from my template.

73 de Michael, DB7MM

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