Dayton Hamvention 2014

I will be coming from Los Angeles to attend the Hamvention this year. Is there going to be any SOTA gathering? FYI, before I arrive at Dayton and after I leave, I am planning to activate summits in seven states while in the Midwest since I will be in the region for the entire month of May. 73 de Scott WA9STI

In reply to WA9STI:
Martha - W0ERI and I will be at the Dayton Hamvention again this year plus the FDIM event over in Fairborn. It would be great to have a gathering of SOTA operators meet for a bit while at the Hamvention. Anyone else going to Dayton?

Gary A. - W0MNA

In reply to W0MNA:

I’ll be there Gary and will be looking forward meeting you and Martha, and others from the SOTA community. Perhaps a hang-out spot in seats above and behind the Icom booth in the main arena after or during lunch would work?

Larry W6UB

In reply to W6UB:

At FDIM, Friday night is “Club Night”. I will have a SOTA table complete with a SOTA banner from Chuck/N4QS. I’ll also have some SOTA brochures and my laptop playing some of wG0AT’s SOTA videos. Since FDIM is mostly qrpers and portable radio hams, most have heard of SOTA but this will be an opportunity to “tell the fun stories” and hopefully recruit more Activators and Chasers. Stop by to chat.

Guy/N7UN aka nS0TA

In reply to N7UN:
We’ll be attending FDIM also plus we’ll have a table advertising the Kickapoo QRP ARC at club night. Stop by and visit with Martha and I plus a couple of other hams from our area. Look forward to seeing as many SOTA people as we can.

Gary A. - W0MNA

In reply to W6UB:
Larry that could work for us I’m sure. As long as I don’t forget the time which I tend to do while shopping in the flea market. :slight_smile: We’ll be monitoring 446.250 with a 167.9 tone.

Gary A. - W0MNA