Day 6 Rheineland-Saarland-Hessen SOTA Tour

Day 6 after breakfast saw me leaving Hotel Toskana on the outskirts of Wiesbaden for these four summits:

  1. DM/HE-097 Steinkopf

  2. DM/HE-003 Großer Feldberg

  3. DM/HE-547 Nickel

  4. DM/HE-151 Staufen

One advantage of staying in a corporate type of hotel, catering for business people, is there are a lot of breakfast choices, and its easy to make up a ham and cheese sandwich for your lunch and slip it into your walking trouser thigh pocket before you leave the restaurant… this is what I did for Day 6 and 7 as I had used up my supply of vacuum packed Lidl sandwiches bought on Day 2 of the tour.

18. DM/HE-097 Steinkopf

It took around 90 minutes to reach the DM/HE-097 parking place, on the road outside the Forsthaus Winterstein Restaurant. From there woodland tracks and a mountain bike trail leads to the summit. I walked up on the woodland tracks and came down on the mountain bike trails keeping an attentive watch backwards in case any cyclists were coming up behind me. There are GPX files for both tracks in the SMP and SOTLAS:

I set up in a sparse area of woodland away from the TV transmitter on the summit.

There’s nothng much else to say about what was another typical woodland summit in this part of Germany. Thirty contacts made, I packed up and went to the next summit.

19. DM/HE-003 Großer Feldberg

The only 10 point summit of my tour. After the long drive to my first summit the other three summits were much closer to each other. I thought Großer Feldberg would be a drive-on summit. It was Sunday and the roads around and leading to the summit were choked with cyclists, motorbikers and motorists like myself. The summit is served by public transport. I got to the car park on the top and it was solid, no space. A brass band was playing and there was a hotel, restaurants and several communications towers:

I turned the car round and went back down the hill where there were plenty of echeloned parking places alongside the hill road. It took less than 10 minutes to walk from there to a seat and fixing post on the summit, where I set up my station and made 51 contacts:

The nearby rocks and viewpoint attracted a lot of tourists, no one bothered me, operating with my headphones on. I never went over to see what the attraction was. Returning to the car, I had my lunch and then drove 18 Km to the parking place for Nickel DM/HE-547.

20. DM/HE-547 Nickel

An easy 20 minutes walk up in a felled forest, with lots of log piles waiting for collection. Nothing worth photographing. There were a few passing walkers and cyclists, 35 QSOs made, all in Europe.

21. DM/HE-151 Staufen

A pleasant 25 minutes walk up in woodland from a housing estate (155m ascent). The viewpoint, which was well populated with people sitting in the sun, is not within the activation zone. I continued and stopped short of the top at a Foresters Cabin, which I was able to use as my antenna fixing point, with the steps up to the door being my seat:

Foresters Cabin in AZ on DM/HE-151 Staufen

On my way down near the viewpoint where all the people were, this unique looking scooter was parked. I hadn’t see one like it before:

I headed back to my hotel in Wiesbaden, calling for some fast food at a Burger King on the way. The Hotel Toskana didn’t serve evening meals, only breakfast, and the excellent Italian restaurant I used near to the hotel on the Saturday was closed on Sundays.


Same when I went there on a Sunday too… it was rammed… although I did get a spot on the top to park!

Better weather for me… hiding from the hot sun, August last year. No one batted an eye at me activating and I was not using headphones!


Very nice Gerald. Wished I had your sunshine!

I’m going to the Channel Islands on Friday and will be activating GU/GU-001, GU/GU-002 and GJ/GJ-001 over the next week or so.

73 Phil



Nice report. Have fun in GU/GJ.
Maybe S2S ?

PS that “scooter” is a well-known occurrence in the Netherlands.

73 - Tonnie - PA9CW