DATABASE: No Association Yet

I was emailing back and forth with Gerald G4OIG recently and he asked me if I could make a database change to help accommodate a certain group of chasers&activators. It was something I’d thought about before and was considering doing. Now I’ve gone and done it.

The group we were talking about are those people who are interested in SOTA, attractively chase and maybe activate but don’t yet have a home association. People like LY5G and LZ4GL. Without a associations for LY and LZ for example, these guys have to pick somewhere so they can log. It doesn’t really matter which association you pick as it doesn’t affect scoring or whatever. But I know some people don’t want to use what they may think is the wrong association just so they can take part.

So now we have a general association for people to use where there doesn’t seem to be a better association for them. This is “XXX - No Association Yet”. There will never be summits in here or an association manager. It is simply somewhere to use when there isn’t an association for you yet.

Transferring between associations is easy. You log in to the database, select edit details, select the association, save and LOG OUT AND LOG IN again. If you don’t log out and back in then you will get lots of red error messages.

This facility will be refined with time, but we have something now for everyone who feels they are in the wrong association but can’t think of anything better. There’s no need to use this if you are happy where you are.

Andy, MM0FMF
Database Manager

In reply to MM0FMF:

Excellent Andy :sunglasses:

Mike G6TUH

In reply to MM0FMF:

Not something I would ever have thought of, but what a brilliant idea for those without a home association :slight_smile:

Thanks Andy & Gerald

Best 73,

Mark G0VOF

In reply to G0VOF:

I like the kind of optimistic touch of the name:

No association YET :wink:

In reply to MM0FMF:

Great idea, good to see you thinking of the homeless:)


In reply to VA2SG:

I like the kind of optimistic touch of the name

Well there are about 48 new associations in some kind of state of preparation. In some cases this is just finding out what needs to be done to create an association and in other cases the summits list is well advanced.


In reply to KD9KC:

I am sure Andy would revel in the title of Association Manager for the XXX No Association Yet Association, but he may wish me to take that on Mike as the workload is likely to extremely heavy. :wink:

73, Gerald G4OIG

In reply to G4OIG:

That would be McEwans 80 shilling heavy? :slight_smile:


Brian G8ADD

In reply to G8ADD:

I probably couldn’t cope with that Brian. I’d have to take it slowly and have several sessions with Fullers Golden Pride instead, presuming of course that approach would be acceptable to the MT. :wink:

73, Gerald G4OIG

In reply to G4OIG:

You could negotiate for a half and a half or three!


Brian G8ADD

In reply to G8ADD:

Either way Brian, I just wonder whether this thread ought to be made sticky, like the beer ring on the bar counter (probably with this string of British eccentricity removed). :slight_smile:

73, Gerald G4OIG

In reply to G4OIG:

Funny, I mentioned LY5G and LZ4GL as people who could benefit from this and lo, I promptly worked both of them on my next activation.

As for AM, well with no summits, XXX AM is an easy job :wink:


In reply to MM0FMF:

… XXX AM is an easy job :wink:

So you’re keeping it then, eh?

73, Gerald G4OIG

P.S. Funny how exchanges with Brian usually involve the mention of beer. :slight_smile:

In reply to G4OIG:

Fair do’s, mate - I also drink malt!


Brian G8ADD