Czech Replublic gets 60m WRC15 band AND keeps existing channels

This just posted on Southgate News:

Czech Republic gets WRC-15 allocation PLUS existing 12 channels

A communication from Petr, OK1RP, says he is pleased to report that following extensive discussions with their regulator, the Czech Telecommunications Office (CTU), an agreement has been reached whereby Czech Amateurs can access both the new WRC-15 60m Amateur Secondary Allocation of 5351.5 – 5366.5 kHz and their existing 12 60m Channels.

The WRC-15 Amateur Secondary 60m allocation of 5351.5 – 5366.5 kHz is available on an individual permit basis with a max. power of 15W EIRP, with the IARU 60m bandplan recommended. The permit is valid for 5 years.

The reason that there is a permit system is due to the fact that until the new “Decree (Regulation) on the Technical and Operating Conditions of the Amateur Radio Communication Service” – replacing the old 156/2005Sb - is done (including the WRC-15 allocation), approved and published - the WRC-15 band allocation is accessible ONLY with WRC-15 permit issued individually based on request sent to CTU !

The 12 existing channels are also available at 100W EIRP on a Secondary basis, again by individual permit. This permit is valid for 1 year. In this instance only CW and SSB are permitted.

Petr comments: “Thanks to the effort and willingness of the CTU staff we agreed on the solution which allows OK hams to use new WRC-15 band allocation as same as the old experimental 12 channels used in the past.”

Further information may be obtained from Petr’s 60m Blogspot

The 12 existing channels