CW Paddle and CW Filter for Yaesu FT-817

Hello Sota friends,

after diligently learning and practicing CW over the last few months, and also chasing in CW from time to time, I would like to try a Sota activation in CW in the near future. I can hear CW well now, but still need some practice and playing well.

To my question: I use an FT-817 for my Sota activations. Unfortunately, this one does not have an optional CW filter: Yaesu YF-122CN CW Filter 300Hz for FT-817/857/897

I’m looking for a CW filter…

I’m also still looking for a paddle that I can use well for Sota.

If anyone has a tip or has a spare filter or paddle they would like to sell, I would be very happy to hear from you.

You don’t always have to buy everything new…

73 and greetings Michael

Hallo Sota Freunde,

nachdem ich in den letzten Monaten fleißig CW gelernt und geübt habe, und auch immer wieder mal in CW gechaset habe, möchte ich gerne mal demnächst versuchen eine Sota Aktivierung in CW zu versuchen. Ich höre CW inzwischen gut, muss aber noch einiges üben und gut zu geben.

Zu meiner Frage: Ich nutze für meine Sota Aktivierungen einen FT-817. Dieser hat leider keinen optionalen CW Filter: Yaesu YF-122CN CW Filter 300Hz für FT-817/857/897

Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem CW Filter…

Außerdem bin ich noch auf der Suche nach einem Paddle welches ich gut für Sota einsetzen kann.

Falls jemand einen Tip hat oder einen Filter oder ein Paddle übrig hat und verkaufen möchte, würde ich mich über eine Nachricht sehr freuen.

Man muss ja nicht alles immer neu kaufen…

73 und viel Grüße Michael


An Inrad 300Hz filter has just sold on It went for £155 or €176. Ouch!

If you just want to buy without seeking for a good secondhand item then the BamaTech BaMaKey TP-III at €161 is very well respected.


Hello Michael.

First of all, congratulations on making progress with CW. I would be very happy if we soon have a CW QSO in the log.

My main TRX is also an 817 and I didn’t have a filter when I started CW. But later it proved to be very useful.

Yes, unfortunately the Collins filters for the 817 are no longer available. You can sometimes find them second-hand on Ebay and the like. Alternatively, there is a filter module (SSB/CW) at SOTABeams. FT-817 CW and SSB Filter Module
But I have no experience with it. Maybe someone here can tell you more about it.

As a key, I can generally recommend the Palm Radio keys. You can still buy them from Hannes DL9SCO (DL9SCO - Callsign Lookup by QRZ Ham Radio). They cost a lot of money, but they are great for on the road. Otherwise, the TP-III from Bamatech, Markus DL6YYM (DL6YYM - Callsign Lookup by QRZ Ham Radio), is clearly recommendable. They also cost money, but are of top quality. You’ll probably have both keys for a long time, so it’s worth buying a new one.

Yes, you don’t always have to buy everything new. But these two are almost impossible to get second-hand. Maybe someone from the Reflector will get in touch and can offer you something.

Of course there is a lot more choice of keys. Some of them you can build yourself.

Marcel DM3FAM


I bought the 500hz filter a few months ago…it took around 2 to 3 weeks if diligent checking of ebay and other places where rdio gear is advertised. They do come up for sale, yiu just have to keep a close watch and be first to pounce. I paid less than £100

Hi Michael,

You probably know already that they are very hard to find. An alternative is to buy a board and a separate filter (they are a bit easier to find but still quite expensive) to solder on the board:

If you’re looking for budget paddles, I recommend the GM0EUL paddles for SOTA. I have the UMPP-1 version and it works very well. Keep in mind it is made of PLA though which is not the toughest plastic out there (don’t leave your paddle in a car under the sun…).

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Maybe one of Sebastian’s RAG Paddles? Like the above suggestion, the RAG paddle is 3D printed and doesn’t like the heat, but otherwise is a fairly good key for the price.

As for a filter, I guess you’ve got to keep an eye on the secondhand sales sites or go with an audio filter. There’s various audio filter kits out there. I think SOTAbeams sometimes do a filter module (as well as their rather expensive Wolfwave filter device).

I think Kanga Products does an audio filter too. I have a NESCAF from NE QRP but kits are only sporadically available.



Take a look at fot a good alternative for aXtal filer ( FT-817 Filter Module SSB/CW )

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I also have one and am very pleased with it.

I don’t use the FT817 for CW anymore (use a homebrew rig now) but when I did I used a Sotabeams audio filter which works very well. However I found the extra box, battery and leads a pain to set up on a summit.


Many Many Thanks for your hamspirit and all the great Informations

73 Michael


“I would like to try a Sota activation in CW in the near future.”

Good luck Michael. As a fellow CW novice, I completed my first CW QSO as a chaser last week and am still buzzing about it. There is nothing quite like it so get out there soon and press that paddle. Everyone will be very supportive. 73 Mike


I can’t comment on the filter, but I can recommend the BaMaKey TPIII paddle. A might midget.


Well done Mike on your first SOTA CW chase glad to have got you in the log last week no difference to your sending with other other chasers thought you were an old hand. I will be looking forward to a S2S CW with you and hopefully a complete if possible on GM/SI-189 Wideford Hill.
(Still need to upload the log on my travels with work)



Old-ish, yes, but young-ish in experience and enthusiasm! :joy: Really appreciate you working me from Orkney and for your kind comments. 73 Mike

Thanks for your suggestions for a CW Sota Paddle, a few days ago i build the Radioadventure Paddle

It has a great Performance

73 Michael

73 Michael

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