Cusio & Disner

after a long time from the last joint activation, @IK2LEY Fabio and me met for another one, for accuracy a double activation. we have chose mt. Disner I/LO-240 and Mt Cusio I/LO-213. two summits not very popular, one in front of the other. mt Cusio count only one activation by me in 2018 and Disner count two activations, one by me and other by Fabio. during the travel to reach the parking, we feared the presence of snow but one time on the side we constated that the summit was in good conditions. for reach the top of mt Cusio there aren’t a paths. it necessary to climb up along the sloping meadow, in some points helping by hands. the better way it’s maintain the border from meadow and wood, along the sud dorsal.

we started to activate the summit with two setup distant about 50mt one by other. the propagation in 40 was poor. I made some qsos from 20 and up. after 1h we climbed down.

we reached mt Disner and I able to put in the log some NA stations.

Fabio avvised me that there was @ZS6LZ in sota on 10mt ssb. I focused to contact him, I spend twenty minute but without success. I also tried to use 10watt but nothing.

thanks to all Chasers!


… that last photo. Beautiful, representative, atmospheric.


I agree that’s a great photo!

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Hi Matt and Rob,
This little summit is between the highest Orobie’s summits.
In that time I was focused for s2s DX…

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