Corndon Hill GW/MW-013 19 Dec 2021

I’ve activated Corndon Hill a few times but today I was treated to some particularly lovely views courtesy of an inversion layer and some valley fog. Tee-short weather, kind of.

Some pictures from my phone…

A short but sharp walk up (and a reminder to gain some fitness):

The shack for the afternoon:

Clouds below:

Cadair Idris on the horizon:


Time to pack up and head home:

Thank you to all the chasers on 2m ssb and fm.



Just magical today!

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Hi Mike, fantastic photos. Thanks.

Geoff vk3sq

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Some great photo’s Mike, that’s one of my favourite local hills, always seems to be windy when I go up it though.
Sorry I missed you.

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Good to catch you on 2m SSB Mike, similarly spectacular views from where I was.

Were you operating on 23cms too? A spot came up on my phone saying you were but may have been an error.
I had the IC9700 with me but left the 23cm antenna at home - still haven’t tried it out.

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Yes, just 1W on FM from my DJ-G7 though. No luck this time.

Many thanks for the brilliant photos Mike. It was awful over to the east. I had to endure a very crowded A1 with low cloud and mist and intermittent drizzle making the driving very tedious. My thoughts drifted to activating a summit, but unfortunately I am finished for this year with family commitments now taking priority. Maybe I’ll give Corndon a visit next year. :thinking:

73, Gerald


Thanks for the QSO & the great pics, Mike. As I said, that’s the first chase of MW-013 I’ve done from my Birkenhead QTH, probably due to the lift that was on. A Happy Christmas to you & yours & here’s to more QSOs in 2022. 73 John G0MHF.