Congrats to N5XL on Shack Sloth


Congrats on breaking the 1K barrier. Looking forward to meeting you at the “refreshment” session. If no one has suggested a place yet…Duke’s Sports Bar in south Scottsdale is a thought. This past weekend was crazy…almost 600 points in 3 days.

73/Tommy W7RV

In reply to W7RV:

Tommy…thanks! It was crazy indeed. After activating two peaks in the Pinalenos, I hurriedly entered all of my logs into the computer just so I could see where I was at. Saturday night, I was sitting with 903 points. I knew that Sunday I had a good chance of making Sloth status but I never imagined I’d make it to 1065 by the end of the day.

I think I also qualified for the WAG (worked all goats) award from the Colorado 14ers. I’ll have to look into the rules to be sure though.

Looks like I’ll be out of town starting this Friday, heading to Montana. I might be able to sneak in an activation or two before work, so stay tuned. If all goes well, it will be my first activation outside of Arizona.

Looking forward to our W7A celebration.


In reply to N5XL:
Congrats Dave on Shack Sloth. Man, you people in W7 land are just going to town. Thanks for all the activations as well Dave. 73 de Scotty

In reply to KG3W:
Congrats Dave on making Shack Sloth. With all of the activators on the air this last weekend I’m sure a lot of people were able to add a lot of chaser points to their chaser scores too.

Always nice to work you on the air and maybe osme day I’ll get a chance to have a cup of coffee or meal with you somewhere.

Gary A. - W0MNA

In reply to W0MNA:

It would be my pleasure Gary. I can always count on you and Martha being there so I know I’m only two more contacts away from a scoring an activation regardless of whatever peak I’m on at the time.

73 to the both of you