Congrats to HB9BCB/P - First Platinum S2S

I see Heinz reached 5063 S2S points as of yesterday 7 September. Most amazing since he didn’t begin until 15 April. Congrats Heinz!

73, Bill W4ZV

In reply to W4ZV:
Well done Heinz, very happy to have contributed towards your total, keep them coming.

Steve MW0BBU.

In reply to MW0BBU:
Excelent result Heinz


Congratulations Heinz on achieving the Platinum summit to summit award.

Jimmy M0HGY

Congrats Heinz and tnx for our 28 S2S QSO.

73 de Dominik, HB9CZF

Great job, Heinz, and continued good luck!

Dear Heinz
Congratulations to the platinum-S2S-Endorsement (over 5’000 S2S-Points)!
You have reached this goal with 963 S2S-QSO! Each activator knows who time consuming it is to get through the Chasers-Pile-UPs with 5/10 watt. It needs a lot passion! (Only with me on 12M it is easy! Hi!)
73 de HB9BIN, Juerg

Gratuliere zu deinem Erfolg lbr Heinz und weiterhin viel Spass mit SOTA
vy 73 Hans, HB9BQU

Amazing Heinz! Well done! It is always a pleasure to work you, particularly S2S when you do the hunting!

73, Gerald G4OIG

Wow. Huzzah!

In reply to all:

Many thanks for the nice words!

I would like to give special thanks to all activators involved!
Extract of my S2S Log (without liability):

  • QSO with activators using stroke P ;-))
    34 OK1DIG
    31 HB9BIN
    29 HB9CZF
    25 OK1DVM
    22 HB9AFI
    21 HB9BQU

  • QSO with activators not using stroke P ;-))
    2 W4ZV

I would like to give thanks also to all my chasers!
Extract of my activator Log (without liability):

  • QSO with my chasers
    124 G4SSH
    104 DJ5AV
    067 N4EX
    066 HB9AGH
    062 G0NUP
    059 OM7OM

    002 VK2UH (QRB 16’159 km)
    002 VK3GHZ (QRB 16’309 km)
    001 VK5CZ (QRB 15’700 km) KX3/10W to KX3/5W

73 es hpe cuagn,
Heinz HB9BCB

It seems to be of interest what’s inside the housing near the 4S1 LiPo (pics at qrz dot com).
Nothing mystic…it’s the amazing LT1764 LDO Regulator (adjusted to 13.8 V).
See data sheet and enjoy!

73 es hpe cuagn,
Heinz HB9BCB

In reply to HB9BCB:
Herzliche Glückwünsche zu deinem Erfolg!!
Ich wünsche dir weiterhin unfallfreie Touren, viel Spass in der gut Bergluft und awdh.
73 de HB9BAB / Jürg