Computer puzzle?

Hi Guys,

moving qth in the next week so station being removed but will be qrv from SOTA. So I wanted to log my activation’s on an older laptop (but running Win7 I have). When I try to log on to Sotawatch it says the site is not secure (invalid certificate) , I can proceed anyway but only get the page header’s, no spots etc. If I try the database , again the page headers but no data, summits, etc
Is there a way around this gurus of the computer. Using Chrome, tried Opera , samo samo




Windows 7 uses very old SSL standards that have long been compromised, and so it either cannot verify the newer certificates that are being used nearly everywhere on the web now, or it’s missing a newer chain of trust certificate. So its not that the site is insecure, but that your system can’t connect securely to it.

Perhaps download VK Port A Log if you have an Android phone and go from there, or use the manual facilities on your phone browser.


Ok, thanks , that clears it up so


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Well, actually… the PC in the shack is also Win7 and Sotwatch works fine on that, so I’m still puzzled HI


One system has probably been updated and the other hasn’t in a while. Either way, Windows 7 is 13 years old, might be worth thinking about updating at some point :slight_smile:

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Indeed, time to shop :slight_smile:


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If your computer came pre-installed with Win7 such as a Dell, HP, Lenovo system etc. then the licence keys for Windows will be in the BIOS. When Windows was installed it would check to see if there was a licence key in the BIOS and use that. Other wise it would ask for keys to activate. So if you had such a system and you were to install Win10 it is most likely it will use those same keys to validate the install and you can still upgrade to Win10 for free.

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Laptop was a reconditioned one I used for IOTA, I needed a new one anyway so a quick trip to Harvey Norman for a “Starting College” bargain took care of it :slight_smile: Sorted


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Try to update the browser.
