Commercial traffic on 24,950 FM from France.?

Heard in Sweden JO89 at Mond. 26-08-13. French languge and FM mod.

In reply to SM5MEK:

French TV is (was?) using about 50 MHz, but could that become 24.950 MHz in your radio? The other way around, from 12 m band to 50 MHz, it is possible to produce local TVI in France I think.

73, Jaakko OH7BF/F5VGL

In reply to OH7BF:

It will be a sproggy from a SW broadcast transmission. Typically the 3rd or 5th harmonic or some intermod between harmonics will land on 24.950. It will be resolvable as NBFM as the deviation will have been multiplied up. If conditions are good, Es say, a few mW of sprog will be strong and the NBFM will be easily resolved on an amateur set.

I’ve heard sprogs from 49m/41m band African stations on 50MHz FM during previous summers.
