Cloudlog CSV export - does it work for you?

Hi everyone!

I’m, experimenting the web based Cloudlog logging software to register my chases, but I can’t seem to get the SOTA CSV export tool to work. I was expecting some kind of confirmation dialog to appear that would let me choose filters, like dates, but it just sits there for a few seconds and then jumps to the entry page. Has anyone here come across the same issue? If yes, how did you get to solve it?


Paulo CT2IWW


Hi Paulo,

Sotadata allows the import of adif files now. So actually there is no need for csv anymore from my point of view.
Pretty sure the adif export should work fine if it includes the SOTA_REF (for chases and S2S) and MY_SOTA_REF fields.

73 Joe

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Is this what is displayed when you click on the SOTA CSV export menu item?

If it’s not then best ask on the cloudlog github. Alternative, use the Advacned Logbook to filter and then export adif. Although not sure if the filters make it easy to export SOTA only. There’s a SOTA filter box but not sure what you put in it to get all of them…?


That´s what is missing, on my end. Thank you for the answer, I´ll have a look in the forum, to see if I can solve this problem.
