May the birthday boy bless, protect and guide us. Merry Christmas and a New Year of great QSOs.
73, PY1KJA Francisco Jardim.
And a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and all SOTA people.
Besides the donkey, ox, and camels, there might have been goats too. Merry Christmas everyone!
Ray / KD8EQA
Wishing everyone, activator and chaser and their families, a very merry and safe Christmas. Everyone stay safe out there.
de W6LEN / Jess
Merry Christmas to everyone involved in SOTA.
Jimmy M0HGY
Merry Christmas to all my SOTA friends around the world! I hope Santa brought you some new SOTA gear!
Dave KN4OK
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of my SOTA friends!
Looking foreward to many more Activations in 2025.
Thanks to SOTA for giving me a reason to keep hiking, keep active, stay fit, and not sit on the sofa watching TV.
Lets all hope 2025 will be a great year!!
ElseNet someone wished me “Happy Newton’s Birthday”, which set me musing.
Our current calendar is the Gregorian calendar, first introduced in 1582 following a Papal Bull from Pope Gregory XIII. However, it was not adopted in Britain until 1752. Newton was born in 1642 or 1643, depending upon which calendar you use. By the “old style” Julian calendar, which was the one officially in use in England at the time, his birthday was on 25th December 1642, but by the “new style” Gregorian calendar we use today that same day was 4th January 1643, so today is a dozen days short of a full number of years as measured by Earth’s orbit.
I’d guess official records (such as they were) would record dates using the calendar in use at the time, so 25th December is the date Newton would have used.
Merry Xmas everyone.
Merry Christmas everyone!
I did my traditional Christmas Day morning activation of The Cloud G/SP-015, although a little later start time than usual.
33 QSOs
10m SSB: 9
10m CW: 7
10m FT4: 7
10m FT8: 3
10m SSTV: 1
2m FM: 6
The 10m SSTV contact was summit-to-summit with Peter MW0PJE/P on Great Orme GW/NW-070. Live images of our respective activations were successfully exchanged.
Hi Tom, what was your set-up for the sstv? Great photos.
All the best for Xmas and HNY to you and your family.
Geoff vk3sq
Hi All,
And to everybody
May the world be a better place in 2025
Here an SSTV pic from XYL phone
73, MX and HNY
Eric F5JKK
Hi Geoff
I use a small cheap notebook laptap running WSJT-Z. Interface is the SignaLink USB. Mini DIN cable to the 817, USB printer lead to the laptop. Software is MMSSTV.
If I get a FT1X when released, this set-up may well change!