Christmas Eve Covert Chasing

Some of the 'shire lads (who work less hard than I do at this time of year) are out on summits today.

@2M0RVZ Chris on GM/ES-061 Oxen Craig of Bennachie
@2M0WNA Mike on GM/ES-054 Tap o’Noth

From what I hear, they were both able to qualify their summits on 2m FM, partly thanks to a little “Covert Ops” from @MM0EFI and with S2S’s with each other.

the £6 Quansheng and £8 antenna, in tasteful black & gold

Merry Grinchmas Everyone, but especially my Aberdeenshire SOTA pals.

There’s rumour of a GM/ES Summit Day in 2025, so watch this space.


Sounds like a good excuse to renew my passport and head north!

Happy Christmas everyone


Hi Fraser,
You seem to be involved in a few “Covert Ops” around this time of year !
(Like my chases from the works carpark for your central belt activations.)
The guys were too far away for me to chase today though.

Looking forward to the GM/ES summit day, hopefully I can tie in from either GM/SS or GM/NS.

Have a good Christmas.



Thanks Fraser @MM0EFI. Were it not for the covert support of you and the other Shire pals my two brief activations on 23rd and 24th December would never have happened. I failed both times with good intentions to operate HF, too, though. Today, it was blowing a full gale on Tap o’ Noth (GM/ES-054) with none of the usual shelter spots providing any relief. I was actually blown off my feet into the rock parapet of the hillfort so nursing some unwelcome bruises now :face_with_head_bandage: After dozens of Munros, even more Corbetts, many Grahams and any number of HEMA’s in all weathers over the years, that’s the first time it has ever happened to me. Hope I don’t suffer a HEMAtoma as a result! :rofl:
However, the activations did let me reach my 2024 target of 100 activator points in total. Whether I reach 101 or more is somewhat uncertain but maybe a GM/ES Summit Day in 2025 is a new target to aim for.
Let me take this opportunity to thank all the wonderful worldwide SOTA activators and chasers, and especially the hard-working MT, and more especially my local SOTA chums, for your invaluable support in helping me enjoy and participate in this wonderful hobby. Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone. :two_hearts:
Vy 73 Mike :smile:


Good stuff Fraser!

Thanks for all of the interesting and entertaining posts and videos over the year!

Merry Christmas and good dx for 2025.

Matthew M0JSB :christmas_tree: :christmas_tree::christmas_tree:


Even if it was a bit draughty, it was a beautiful day on our local hill (GM/ES-061 Bennachie/Oxen Craig). It was crazily warm after yesterday’s raw 3 degrees. After qualifying the hill on VHF thanks to our North East SOTA crew, I stayed for some 40 and 20m action and ended up with another 30 QSO’s despite being blotted out on each spot by adjacent frequencies.

Lots of storm damage since I was last here.


passport renewed :scotland:


Great photos Chris. We’ve had some lovely moody skies this month.