Cheapest SOTA 70cm Tracker?

Thanks Dave, yes, i will have another look at it… no matter what I searched/typed this version of the board would not come up, it was all the GPS less ones… appreciate that, thanks!

As for the antennas, yes… thats a good point! I however have the advantage that CPC isnt to far from me, and I can drive up and collect stuff! haha

Thanks dave,


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No, that’s a Macc Geezer.

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That’s actually the least rubbish thing about it. The current consumption in standby is too high and the battery goes flat fairly quickly even when it is “off”.

Making triple click work reliably shouldn’t actually be too hard. The buttons need handling in an interrupt handler instead of by polling. I’d have a go at fixing this if I wasn’t busy with my own projects.

Whether it’s possible to make the standby current consumption close enough to zero will depend on the hardware. Ricardo has already made it a lot lower but I don’t know if it’s possible to turn off enough of the hardware. These are development boards so aren’t actually designed to be used for “real” applications.