Been a while since i was an M3 and now a 2E jan 1st 2019 let alone posted an photo of me shack. AND many improvements especially in the antennas section.
Antennas now 2020 and all home brewed
Still running the 40m loop FW hoz.
Inverted L 160m / 80 and 40m Trapped with Buried radials 115m of and EP at FP.
Now newly built 4 El 6m Beam ( I will catch a Sota one day on 6m)
Plus the recently added 40w of TX has helped a lot from 10w to 50w as from Jan 1st 2019.
Lot of improvements at home and portable and more to come.
Such as proper rebuilds of the 2 Quagis mainly using ali tubing for the quad El’s and proper Ali booms making them stronger as the old 3 El moxon died this year hence built the improved 5 El Yagi and increase the radials lengths in garden for lower bands such as 160 and 80m just a few
This is the first post I’ve put on here for years!
I have a very simple station, an IC-7300 for HF, 6 and 4m with an end fed 65ft long wire for 80-15m, Sirio verticalS for 10/12 and 4m. I also have a rarely used IC-7000 for 2m/70cms with a vertical Collider. I use my iPad with inverted screen for logging contacts.
When I am chasing from home I use a FT DX-3000 with a 2 element tri-band beam and a 124’ end fed wire.The end fed is up about 60’ byt the beam is only up about 20’ but gets the job done.
My home station is mainly Trio (Kenwood)
Top shelf - BNOS linears for 144MHz and 432MHz, Trio TR-7010 SSB/CW rig (1976 vintage) with DFC-230 VFO on top, Trio TS-130V (1983 vintage) mainly used for data, AT- 230 ATU, Trio TS-430S main HF rig.
Bottom shelf - Trio TS-711E 2m multimode, Trio TS-811E 70cm multimode
Bench level - Eddystone 840C run off 110V via transformer under the bench.
13.8V 25A PSU under bench
Antennas - 2m dipole and 70cm colinear in roof space, 40m dipole outside, 2m and 70cm yagis when required as I live in a restricted antenna zone.
Hello folks. Lots of nice pictures!
My shack is set up with two desks, primary and
“boat anchor”. I love to work with the old stuff!
Mostly CW. Sometimes the QRP SOTA signals are
just too much for the old stuff and I have to revert to
a modern radio to hear you!
HF antennas are a 3 element tri-bander and dipoles for 80, 60, 40, 30 meters.
John, K6YK
My much more modest ‘office’. At the end of my outdoor equipment store & workshop (canoe paddles hung up on the right & x-country skis)-
Main radio - OK, the only one I use at home :-
Ten Tec Argosy - It will push out 40w, but I keep to my licence allowance of 10w
MFJ tuner - I forget which RAF type D morse key. Just about the best key I’ve ever use Aerial is a home brew dipole and for a number of reasons is only about 18 ft above the ground.
No PC/computer in my workshop - there’s no WIFI either. OH, and there’s no microphone either.
The new screen really looks great with HDSDR, although the desk is nowhere near as tidy at the moment. The antenna is now a Windom for 80m and above. One end is a bit low, so I’d like to raise it sometime this year. I picked up Tasmania on 80m WSPR at 5w, so it’s not bad. I’m currently checking the wiring as I can’t earth anything on the radiators without the RCD tripping. The floating ground doesn’t affect the PC, but I’ve got a hum on my audio when I try to make recordings. Apart from that, it’s about as well equipped as I would ever want it.
73 de OE6FEG
Yaesu 857d can be moved to the back patio. Generally set up for 2m SOTA activity - Packs up easily for my peak activations. Multiple antenna options, prefer the ATAS120 for HF ground set with four 10’ radials. ELK 2m 70cm.
Yaesu FTdx3000 - Attic 20m Dipole will tune 40m and 6m with excellent results (I live in an HOA)
My shack is still changing…
I got rid of my old cheap amp for the KX3 and added a IC-7300 to my desk; that’s the rig I use nowadays for regular SOTA chase.
Okay, KX3 ears are excellent but I feel the receiver in the 7300 is doing really well.
No change on antennas: the Hexbeam (6 - 20 meter), a Delta loop for 40 m and an Inv-L for 80 m on the roof of a 9 floor building in the city centre. Some nasty permanent QRN is some fixed frequencies but I can live with that (so far…).
Okay, picture taken, now I can put again all that mess on the table, hi.
73 de Ignacio