Chasers logging non-existent contacts

Today has not been the first time I have had to email people who logged a chaser contact with me while I was on a summit, but who are neither in my log nor in my memory. I have always contacted them to let them know, but this has happened more frequently in recent months. Some have come good and deleted the contact; some don’t reply. What’s your experience with this? Is it also getting more common for you?

I hear some of this from time to time. I think some chasers just don’t hear
the activator too well and think the activator came back to them when it didn’t
really happen. Other times the chaser and activator get to doubling with each
other and never really hear each other’s reports. I’ve heard that lots of times.
There was a long thread on this subject not long ago. I’ve had some really
shaky contacts, and I will go and check to see if I’m really in the activator’s
log if he uploads it.
John, K6YK


Happens from time to time.
My point of view: Don’t waste your time in correcting others.
I am happy to log as correct as possible myself. But don’t waste time on things you can not change.

73 Joe


It’s no big deal to send them email, and I think I will go on doing it.
73 and Happy New Year!

100% this.

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